Saturday, 25 December 2004

This is what we woke up to this morning.
(Click for bigger images.)

I umm'd and ahh'd, but as the sky was blue I decided we'd risk the drive over the hill, just make sure we headed back before dark, and it started freezing. So I phoned Mum to say when we'd be over, took some pictures, made the bed and came downstairs, looked out of the front window, and phoned mum back to say actually we'd better stay put.

They were taken at about 11:30, then the second 5 minutes later. It's been snowing on and off all day. Sometimes light, sometimes very heavy, then occasionally we've had glorious sunshine. Everywhere is white over, except the roads which have been gritted, and the cars which had collected enough snow for the kids to have some great snow ball fights.

Luckily we'd got food in for a Christmas Meal just in case, there was no time for us to defrost the duck though, so Porl had a chicken breast instead. So it turned out okay, yet another year I've missed being with my parents on Christmas Day, but it is nice to spend our first Christmas in our little house. I'm torn now though. I really want to go and see people in Ormskirk tomorrow, but I really want lots of snow now, while I'm off work, so we can go and play in it. I've had quite a lot of White Christmas's, but this is Porl's first since he was about 9, so it'd be nice to make the most of it.

While I had the camera out I realized I've never taken any pictures of the house. So here is a our tree, fireplace, and the lovely red wall I painted a few weeks ago.

Finally, before I go and sit on the sofa reading my new books, and digesting my food, here's a picture of the necklace I spent last night making.

Merry Snowy Christmas from Stalybridge.

I'd like to wish everyone who reads this a Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings/Enjoyable Couple of Days Bank Holiday.

I'm looking forward to spending some time with my family tomorrow, seeing lots of friends over the following few days, and being general happy about not being at work, and there being lots of good people, and good food around.

Big Christmas hugs to all the Manchester lot for a great night on Wednesday. I think I'm still recovering, but it was a much needed blow out. It seemed like ages since I'd seen everyone.
More Christmas hugs to the Ormskirk lot, I'll see you all Boxing Day (assuming the weather gets no worse, we've had rain, hail, wind, and thunder, but no snow yet.)
Lastly very big Christmas hugs to Robin who's enjoying the sunshine in Oz.

Hope everyone has a good one

Wednesday, 15 December 2004

The infrequent blogging is due to my new job. Working 9-5 again has been a bit of a shock to the system. Add to that the 3 hours of travel each day, and the fact that I have a tendency to hibernate when the clocks go back. It all means that when I come home from work all I seem to want to do is stare at the idiot box watching mind numbing programmes.

But my brain is finally coming round to the fact that the 9-5 job, or more accurately, the money I get from the 9-5 job will be a good thing for a little while.

Unfortunatly, all this work is distracting me from my crafty pursuits, so a plan has formed. My work location is in a fantastic location for views, but a bit rubbish for interesting things to do at dinnertime, except for wander around and around the outlet mall. So today, I brought my beads in. I'm sat at my desk making beaded snowflakes, and I think I'll spend most dinnertimes doing this from now on. (Maybe not snowflakes all year though.) This way I can still earn nice 9-5 type wages, but when I get home I can feel like I've accomplished something for myself during the day. Then if I am knackered and useless for everything but gazing at the idiot box, then I won't feel quite so guilty about wasting my life away.

I'm not sure whether the blog posts will become anymore frequent though, we'll see.

Monday, 29 November 2004

Still here, I promise. But sitting infront of a computer all day at work means the last thing I want to do is sit infront of a computer when I get home.

I've just found this idea for wallets made with paint samples. I've got loads of these at home. I knew there must be something I could make with them.

Monday, 18 October 2004

Since moving to this house I've not had much luck with computers.
First it took me 3 weeks to get the internet, then Porl's keyboard died, so I went keyboardless, then finally last week the switch on the pooter died. It wouldn't turn on at all, so I bought a new case.

Unfortunatly my techie wizard lives in Ormskirk, and I don't anymore. So I had 3 options.

  • Wait a fortnight for techie wizard to come up and build it for me.
  • Pay the computer shop to build it for me.
  • Figure out how to build it myself (and possibly blow the computer/house/me up in the process.)
Being the impatient person that I am, I went with the doing it myself.

And it works!
Nothing blew up, no electric shocks, a few cuts on my hands, but that seems to be compulsary. My pooter is purring away happily beside me now, and it's much quieter as the fan got a thorough clean too.

I might have a new hobby, or career change ahead of me.

Friday, 8 October 2004

Internet access at work may be a dangerous thing.

Wednesday, 6 October 2004


Back again

Things have been a bit busy recently. However, we're in our lovely new house, there's still boxes everywhere, and will be until we get storage organised with the help of my wonderful Dad. We moved on Friday the 10th, we managed to get the living room looking almost straight by the Sunday, so it was starting to feel like a home. On the Monday we went into town to find a pub, we found the Q Inn, and there was an acoustic night going on, we've met some lovely people here, and the Q has beome our local, even though it's the furthest pub away from us. We managed to get Jimmy a bed sorted by Friday, and that's when it really started to feel like home for me.

unfortunately even though the net was working for Porl, the firewall continued to block my computers' existence. A couple of days ago Porl again tried to get it working (upstairs tweak something, come downstairs, check it, still no luck... repeat) after 2 hours of this I lost patience with the clattering up and down stairs so I had a look. Five minutes later tick box found, problem solved. So I'm back online, and I even waded though all the masses of emails (about 700 of them, must remember to unsubscribe from things before I next move house.) I'm quite surprised and touched by how many emails and other comments I've had from people who missed me, or at little noticed my absence.

Other happenings in no particular order include

  • ITC gig - 'twas very good.
  • Matt visiting - 'twas alcohol fuelled, involved another trip to the Q, late night ramblings, and rants at Presidential candidate debates.
  • More trips to the Q and some fantastic acoustic nights, plus more friends made here.
  • House warming party, with everyone visiting, lovely to see everyone. Some people loved our hills, others weren't so enamoured. I wish so many people weren't allergic to the cats.
  • I handed in my notice. I'll miss my job a lot, and the clients even more, but the commute just couldn't be done.
  • I got a new job (the cats have been giving me lessons on landing on my feet.)

The new job seems good, today was my first day, I think I'm going to like it. It seems sufficiently complicated to keep me interested, but a relaxed enough atmosphere to keep me from premature greying. Plus I do like being able to tell Sales Reps, sorry, Account Managers how to do their jobs. Working with Lucy is going to be fun. I made her go to the gym. I refused to be used as an excuse for not going. Now I've just got to try to find a way to help her quit smoking.
The only down side of the job is the travelling. I left work at 7:45 this morning, 20 minutes walk to the station, got the right train into Manchester, then stood on the Metro platform for 20+ minutes waiting for a tram. So I was about 20 minutes late on my first day in work. Not good. The bosses do know that the Metro is tempremental, but apparently they're going to clamp down on poor time keeping anyway. I'll try getting the same train tomorrow, but if it still goes wrong then I'll have to start getting an earlier train to compensate. Grrrr. Tonight I got in at 6:30, and I'm exhausted.

I'm sure I've missed loads of things out, but I'm tired and longing for a lie down. I promise to update again before the month is out.

Monday, 6 September 2004

Stalybridge is the 'slaef léah brycg', the 'bridge by the wood whence the staves are procured'.

The 'bridge' bit was added at a later date, so it's basically 'The wood where you get the sticks'.
Now last time I checked most woods had a surplus of sticks. The Stalybridge sticks must be pretty special for the place to be named after them.
Luckily the cats love sticks. They're their favourite toys. So the cats should be happy in their new home.

3 days to go.
Much packing has been done. Loads more left to do still.

Roll on Friday when it will all be over.
Except for the unpacking.

Thursday, 2 September 2004

Two pieces of great news!

First, Sunset Beach is returning to Channel 5. Only repeats, but even so, Hurrah!

Second, we have a completion date! Friday the 10th, and hopefully we'll be moving out the same day. Which means I best get on with the packing.

But first I think I must procrastinate a little more.

Friday, 27 August 2004

Today has been extremely productive.

I've phoned and sorted out gas, electricity, phone and internet connections for the new house, filled in multiple change of address forms, paid all the bills which need paying before the move, and filed away all the paperwork which accumulates on my desk.Downstairs has been tidied and hoovered, and I'm going to do upstairs before I relax for the night.

I'm doing anything to avoid packing.

Monday, 16 August 2004

This is especially for Fiona, who left a message asking where I was. I felt loved.

I'm still here, and ever so busy. So here's a quick rundown of the main things.

Apart from all the overtime I'm doing at work, we're also up to eyeballs with house things. The house buying and selling is going through well, we're hoping to be moving in to our lovely new house overlooking the moors in about 3 weeks. So lots of packing and planning is going on. Phone calls with solicitors, estate agents, mortgage advisors, insurance advisors and what feels like a billion and one other people too. It's tiring and confusing and scary. I'll be so glad when it's over.

I've also had a birthday, combined with a holiday. Porl, Jimmy and I went camping in Derbyshire. We walked, we ate, we played cards and we watched lots of cricket in the picturesque village of Ashford-in-the-Water. Picture limestone grey tudor houses, village cricket green, balmy days, hot air balls overhead. The boundary line of the cricket pitch was the fence which kept the sheep next door in their field and off the pitch. It was lovely, and a much needed break with a couple of ace lads.

cricket on my birthday

Of course in between all this I've been de-stressing with crafty pursuits. There's lots of new jewellery dangling off the corner of my shelves. I've also tried making beaded flowers and I have some cute bunches of pansies. I've had my first go at book binding, it turned out well, but there's a few things I'll do differently next time. Finally, the Spinning. I've been persevering with the drop spindle. It's going slowly, but I will get there.

beaded pansies

So that's a rundown on the basics. Plenty of other stuff has happened, like Lynskey gigs for example. But it's far too hot to think about them, or type about them, so I'll leave it there. I'll try to write more often, but don't keep your hopes up. My new catchphrase seems to be "I'll do it after the move".

Sunday, 25 July 2004

I bought the spinning wheel a few days ago. It cost £15. Happy Birthday to Me!

I visited the Wingham Wool Work shop for advice and supplies, and they were great.
The bad news is, that the spinning wheel isn't very good, and I'd probably never be able to spin well on it.
The good news is that if I take it to an antique shop they should pay around £150 for it. Which is almost enough to buy a lovely new spinning wheel.
Until I get that organised (i.e. after we move) point I am armed with a drop spindle and some roving
I also had a quick lesson at the shop, but I currently seem to only be good at producing lumpy strands that break and untwist a lot. I Will Persist!

House things appear to be going well. The survey has come back, this time round it's fine. Next week I have to organise the searches. I'm still trying to not get excited. Thankfully remembering that I have to start clearing out the glory-holes soon is calming me down.

For the past couple of months I seem to have had something planned everyday, work, house hunting, visiting places, etc. Over the next fortnight I actually had a few days with nothing to do. So silly me has volunteered to help on the Summer Playscheme for local kids aged 8-18 who have Learning Disabilities.
It's always great fun, and I absolutely love it. I haven't done it over the past couple of years though because of a falling out with some other people who volunteer. I've really missed it, and the people involved.
Without the playscheme I would never be in the job I am now so in a way I feel I owe it. I'll probably not be able to do it again because of moving, so I've decided to bite the bullet, and sign myself up. I'm fed up of missing out on something I enjoy just to avoid an argument. I'll do my best to steer clear of trouble and just get on with having fun with the kids. I'm hoping the other people will do the same.

Friday, 16 July 2004

I've been a bit busy recently.

Been to Sheffield too. Got a few odd looks for making bracelets on the train.

Thursday, 15 July 2004

As well as a spinning wheel for my birthday, this would be nice too.
Steve Currey's Expedition Company - Voyage to Our Hollow Earth

"Cost: $18,950 US"

Monday, 12 July 2004

I really really want to learn to spin.
I have done for a long time, since I was a kid and got to do a bit of spinning at school.
I have half promised myself that when we get the new house I will get myself one

On the way home from work today I walked past the antique shop (Browzaround, just up from the library.) It was closed, but I spotted through the window a spinning wheel.
Tomorrow I'm going to nip in and see if it works, and how much it is.
Just for curiosities sake. I'm not going to buy it of course.

Totally unrelated note, but it's my birthday in 20 days time.

Sunday, 11 July 2004

"Eeeeeeeee". Yup I'm happy again.

The weekend so far has been ace, and it feels like far longer than 3 days. Thankyou to everyone who's made it great

Friday Porl, and I were going to Stalybridge house hunting again. Jimmy and Robin decided (and were cajoled) into coming too. We were late getting there, and missed the first viewing (as usual.) Saw 3 houses, nothing special, had a nice meal at Wetherspoons and a browse around Stalybridge, then we went to Manchester for Amy.

Amy. Was. Ace.
Sweets, decorations, bands, lipgloss, dancing, shoe theft, champagne, more dancing, and friends. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves, but I think we were all sad, and wondering what we'd do the 2nd Friday of the month.
I have pictures galore. I'll post a few later (the nice ones only, I promise,) but I've also got a zip file of the lot if any attendees would like to see them all.

After Amy exhaustion hit and we all got to bed pretty quickly. Saturday started with copious amounts of coffee and a Trof breakfast. Then Porl, Robin and I headed home. Whilst everyone else went to The Pixies, Porl and I went to OrmFest. Bought a CD, arranged a gig, saw some people, got rained on, came home.

In house news, things are looking up again. Monday, my last post here said we'd found a house we really really wanted, but then lost it as another offer had been put on it. Tuesday the Estate Agents phoned back to say that offer looked like falling through and we still had a chance, if we sold ours in time. Today it looks like we might have a buyer.
I'm trying to not get excited. But can everyone please cross their fingers, toes, eyes and everything else for us. Thankyou

Lastly, I've been on another crafty spree. Beadie necklaces, bracelets and insects, duct tape flowers, and in the past hour, a Beadie Man.

Beadie Man

Yes, I know his hands are huge, but it's my first attempt okay!

Monday, 5 July 2004

Ahhh... loads going on, and I rarely have the time, or inclination to write about it, but here goes.

Found an ace house, lost same ace house, bugger. But at least we've finally found a town were we want to live. Stalybridge, it's like Ormskirk but with hills, canals and no Scousers (hurrah!)

What else? EP launch. It was lots of fun. The Lynskey band are looking and sounding better every time I see them. Maybe one day Jimmy will learn to play, and smile at the same time, or at least not frown. It was great to finally see Cartwheel play. I was hoping for good things, and they far exceeded my expectations.

We've had a couple of viewings on the house, even with the complete incompetence of Estate Agents (they took a photo of the wrong house!) fingers crossed it will sell soon, so we'll have more hope of getting offers we place accepted.

My Mum and Dad come back from Spain soon. Hurrah! I normally speak to my Mum for about an hour or so everyday, sometimes several times a day. While they're in Spain I'm limited to 15 minute conversations every couple of days while they use their free minutes. Maybe the money I've saved on phone calls over the past month will be enough to cover the cost of a flight over there in August. Hmmm plan.....

While my Mum is sunning herself and nursing insect bites, Porl's mum is having a rough time of it as she was rushed into hospital on Saturday. She's okay, but she gave us all a bit of a fright. Fingers crossed she'll be discharged tomorrow.

In other news... I've been making lots of jewellery, and I bought new pliers, (not the kind I wanted, but they're still nice pliers,) and painted plant pots pink, (or maybe they're purple or mauve, I haven't decided yet, but they're definitely not red, the shop didn't have red paint) and I've bought a new bag, (I meant to buy a new outfit for Friday, but failed miserably,) and I'm really really really looking forward to Friday.

Wednesday, 16 June 2004

I've been missing my books a lot recently, they're all packed up in boxes at the MIL's house while this place is up for sale. I'm having to beg, borrow, and buy new books to read.
This afternoon I was reading about Britains most cherished contemporary novels. I was quite pleased that I've read 14 of the 50 on the list. A meme found on Yarn Utopia, and I'm not quite as pleased, at least I've got some inspiration about what I can read next though.

Copy the list, highlight which one's you've read

Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart
Agee, James - A Death in the Family
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Baldwin, James - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Beckett, Samuel - Waiting for Godot
Bellow, Saul - The Adventures of Augie March
Brontè, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
Brontè, Emily - Wuthering Heights

Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Cather, Willa - Death Comes for the Archbishop
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales (bits of it anyway)
Chekhov, Anton - The Cherry Orchard
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness
Cooper, James Fenimore - The Last of the Mohicans
Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage
Dante - Inferno
de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote
Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dreiser, Theodore - An American Tragedy
Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers
Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss
Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Selected Essays
Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
Ford, Ford Madox - The Good Soldier
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Faust
Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
Heller, Joseph - Catch 22
Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms
Homer - The Iliad
Homer - The Odyssey

Hugo, Victor - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll's House

James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
Kingston, Maxine Hong - The Woman Warrior
Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
London, Jack - The Call of the Wild
Mann, Thomas - The Magic Mountain
Marquez, Gabriel García - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
Miller, Arthur - The Crucible
Morrison, Toni - Beloved
O'Connor, Flannery - A Good Man is Hard to Find
O'Neill, Eugene - Long Day's Journey into Night
Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Poe, Edgar Allan - Selected Tales

Proust, Marcel - Swann's Way
Pynchon, Thomas - The Crying of Lot 49
Remarque, Erich Maria - All Quiet on the Western Front
Rostand, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
Roth, Henry - Call It Sleep
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth
Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet
Shaw, George Bernard - Pygmalion
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein

Silko, Leslie Marmon - Ceremony
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Sophocles - Antigone
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin
Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels
Thackeray, William - Vanity Fair

Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Voltaire - Candide
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. - Slaughterhouse-Five
Walker, Alice - The Color Purple
Wharton, Edith - The House of Mirth
Welty, Eudora - Collected Stories
Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse
Wright, Richard - Native Son

Tuesday, 15 June 2004

I knew I'd forget something!

I have a Gmail account. This gave me the ability to spend a fun few days winding up my techie mates who really wanted one. But then I got invites and I made some techies very happy people (although my dire financial straight did make me consider selling them on ebay.)

I'll probably get some more invites at some point, so if you too want to gloat about getting the exact username you want then leave a comment and I'll know who to give the next lot of invites to.

I read something about blogging being what you do when there's nothing happening in life. This seems to be the case at the moment.

Since the last update, we've had several long tiring days in Manchester visiting estate agents and viewing houses. We know certain parts of South Manchester really well now, we can quote grid references from the A-Z.
We've seen about 15 houses, I'm losing count as they're blurring into one. Most have been horrid, some have been horrid to the extent that they became funny, a small few have been nice.
We've tried to place 3 offers, all have been refused, one as it wasn't enough, the second because a first time buyer got there first, even though we offered more money, and a third because when we phoned to place the offer we were told it already had an offer accepted on it. So what exactly were we doing viewing a house on a Saturday morning after 4 hours sleep when the house wasn't available?
I really really hate house hunting.
Friday we'll be doing it all over again.

In between all this house hunting there have been gigs galore. Porl has been involved in all of them, and as usual I'm the roadie, (not that can carry anything, but I'm the only one who drives.)
Lynskey is gigging to promote the upcoming EP Launch, the main bit of this will be at The Font Bar in Manchester on 25th June. If anyone's in the area come down, it'll be fun, and it's free!
Shirokuma played in a record label showcase in possibly the hottest venue in Manchester, The Night and Day Cafe, which really should learn about this thing called air conditioning.
Needless to say all the gigs have been great, and if I went into anymore details I'd be here all day.

Some other events of the past month, include trips to the vets after Duke developed a limp, he's fine now, Gonzo has his usual fat lip that he develops every summer, I'm sure the stupid creature eats nettles.
The blitzing of this house continues, we have new carpets everywhere, the smell of paint has finally gone, although I need to do some more touching up. I've been spending a lot of time gardening, the obvious signs of years of neglect are slowly disappearing, I hope the new buyers, whoever they may be, will appreciate our efforts.

I'm sure I've missed out plenty of things, but this month has become a complete blur fuelled by stress, excitement and disapointment. I'll try to write in shorter bursts from now on, it may be easier than trying to remember everything.

Thursday, 20 May 2004

Poo poo poo poo poo

Everything was going so well with the new house, mortgage sorted, life insurance forms filled in, etc etc

Then the survey was done, and it's bad. Very very bad.

So bad that it looks like we'll have to look for somewhere else, because this house just doesn't seem financially viable.

Oh for the Scottish system of selling houses where the seller pays for the surveys to be done, not the buyer. This house has already cost me more than I can afford and I don't think we're entitled to any of it back.

I'd just started allowing myself to get excited about it all. I'd been planning where to put furniture and thinking about colour schemes.

Poo poo poo poo poo poo poo... and poo

Saturday, 15 May 2004

Anyone who talks to me on messenger or talkers will know how bad my typing is. To make matters worse, half the keys on my keyboard don't work, the markings are rubbing off, and it's somehow the most un-ergonomical thing in the world. It cost me £5. I keep saying I'll buy myself a new one, but I never seem to have the money.

But being bad at typing doesn't neccesarily mean I'm bad at grammar.

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And it's Quizilla, so it must be right!

Wednesday, 12 May 2004

I've got a million and one priorities in my life at the moment (packing, decorating, gardening, applying for jobs, mortgages, carpet fitters coming, remembering to phone the Council to get them to clean up the mess left by the fire Monday night*, going to work, and so on...)

In spite of all this, the one over-riding thought in my brain every time I sit down at the computer is "Must redesign website". I'm trying to avoid it. I'm trying to push it out of my mind until after the move, but it's so hard. I keep thinking to myself,don't do a full scale rewrite, just play with some ideas. But it's avalanche like. Every time I "just play with ideas", I always end up doing a complete redesign. It's unavoidable, it just happens. ("When you grow up, your heart dies.") I shall try not to give into temptation, but if things begin to go a bit wierd you'll all know why.

* Yes the fire. I forgot to mention that. I was at work, and I got a panicky phone call off Porl. He'd seen smoke coming from the back of the house, he thought it was from the neighbours kitchen, but he soon found out it was from our bins. He phoned the 999 and both the Fire Brigade and the Police came out. We have students living next door to us, and the back of the house is a bit of a mess, the council bin men only collect what is nicely wrapped. Plus as we're at the end of the alley the wind blows lots of things our way, so we have about 4 plastic dustbins there, the remains of a Christmas Tree, a kids bike and other random rubbish. There are only 2 kids who live near us, and they're not the nicest kids around. Last year they took to throwing stones at houses and broke a car window in the process. It looks like they got bored on monday night and decided to try setting fire to the Christmas Tree.
We were very lucky. It melted the vent for the tumble drier. If it had been any fiercer it could easily have got into the kitchen through the vent and it would have been bye bye Kitchen. Thankfully it was spotted in time and we just have 4 melted dustbins, and the trunk of a Christmas Tree to clear up. Something else for us to deal with. Hey Ho!

Monday, 10 May 2004

It's been a busy fortnight. On the fun side there's been lots of gigs, VIP passes and free champagne. On the not so fun side there's been lots of painting, lots of packing, and lots of serious grown up stuff like mortgages to arrange. I could go into it all in detail, but I'd probably end up having a rant, and that could be dangerous. So I'll bite my tongue and save myself getting into trouble.

Most of our belongings are now stored away in someone else's house, but sensibly I realized that I should keep some craft things here to stop myself going insane. So at some point I have to take pictues of the necklaces I've made. I also attempted to make myself a top, my first attempt at making clothing which needs to fit (unlike hats and scarves) unfortunatly it didn't go too well and it's going to need some serious adjusting, but it's going to have to wait until the house is either in some vague order, or more likely until we move. Last night I had a rummage and found some wool which had escaped the packing frenzy, so I started making a bag. It's just a simple string shopping bag, but it keeps me occupied.

Posts are likely to be infrequent for the next few weeks. With the move and Porl's music, life is very busy. I'd love to explain everything, but my tongue has too many teeth marks in it, rants are never far away, and I'm not certain of my readership.

Finally a little cartoon I found last night on toothpaste for dinner.

Monday, 26 April 2004

Well today was fun.

I thought the car was doing well on petrol. 400 miles, the gauge down at empty for days, but the little light never came on and I thought it might just be a quirk of the car.

Driving home from work, and it started chugging. I managed to coast along, out of the countryside, back to an area with houses, so close to home, but there's a distinct lack of hills in these parts, they're gentle slopes, so the car eventually stopped rolling, leaving me double parked on some yellow lines, about half a mile from home.


A car had just pulled into a drive behind me, so I went to explain my problem and ask if I could borrow a phone (the Law of Murphy ensured that mine had run out of batteries.)

The Kind Gentleman agreed, but there was no help at home, so the Kind Gentleman tried to help me move the car somewhere safer so I could walk to the petrol station. We couldn't move the car (silly kerbs), so he went off to fetch the Kind Sir he was visiting for some extra help.

Kind Sir arrived, I was suitable embarrassed, grateful, and explained my problem (new car, petrol light not working, didn't realize, very sorry.) Kind Sir told me he had a can of petrol which I could have so long as I replaced it. A very very happy and grateful me said I certainly would, I'd go straight to the petrol station and fill it back up for him.

So the Kind Sir fetched the petrol, and returned to his meeting (which I'd interrupted,) and the Kind Gentleman came with me to sort out my car. He did all the petrolly things himself, being a Kind Gentleman he wouldn't allow me to, even though he was in his suit, and I was in my scruffy work clothes (I'd been clearing out garages and filling skips at work,) so I felt doubly bad when he splashed petrol on his tie. I told the Kind Gentleman where I lived, and that I'd return as soon as possible with the replacement for the Kind Sirs petrol.

It was at this point that the Kind Gentleman informed me that the Kind Sir really was a Kind Sir. A Peer of the Realm Kind Sir. A Knight of the Garter Kind Sir.

I'd been rescued by a proper bonefide Knight!

He didn't have shining armour, or a white steed, he'd have stuck out like a sore thumb if he had, and I would have thought someone was taking the mick, but he was a real Knight and he rescued me. How many people can say that?

Tuesday, 20 April 2004

Uber-quick post as I have to leave for work in 15 minutes. I am still alive, but I'm REALLY busy.

In brief;

  • We went to Amy, it was ace, my favourite ever.
  • Went to Sheffield.
  • Made some jewellery, Dad made me a Crochet Hook.
  • The house is upsidedown as it's being decorated by Porl's parents.
  • Bedrooms are done, bathroom is replumbed, but still in pieces, needs tiling, decorating, floor etc, the rest of the house is (probably) to be started at the weekend.
  • We've been camping in Anglesey.
  • We've viewed a house in Manchester.
  • We put an offer on the house in Manchester.
  • Offer has been accepted.
  • We've bought a house in Manchester!!!
  • I've nearly finished my poncho.

I think that's all. I've taken loads of pictures, so I'll do a pictoral run down when I get the chance. Time for work now.


Saturday, 3 April 2004

I got in from a relatively easy lazy shift at work, to be whipped into a frenzy of First Aid. I've just sat down at the computer when porl started screaming, ran to me with blood all over his hand, then ran into the kitchen to show it under the tap. I had a quick glance round for the limb he'd cut off, then chased after him.

20 minutes later the (not very big) cut on his finger has stopped bleeding, I've been to the chemists to get a first aid kit, and it's all bandaged up. He's looking sheepish.

1.2.3. Awww

In other news. The poncho is coming along well. I've asked the nice Wool Man if he has anymore yarn as I'm running out. The contingency plan is to make the red trim that I'm putting on the bottom to balance off the red hood, a little longer. It's going to keep me ever so warm this summer on my camping trips.


Sorry for the terrible photos, the batteries on my normal camera have run out

Finally, I've got a new favourite distraction.Crochetville

Monday, 29 March 2004

Yay, I'm happy. One of my favourite bloggie people is back.

Loquacious Of Blog

Sunday, 21 March 2004

I've been busy today too.

On the left, the beginnings of a crochet poncho. On the right an insect, I'm not sure about his wings though, but for a first attempt at wings it'll do.
Kat came round tonight and we played with beads.


Saturday, 20 March 2004

I've been playing around again.

The Crafts page(s) have been completly re-done. I've added loads of pictures for all the things I've made recently, and also all the things I've forgotten about in the past.


rainbow hatsilver swirl

Thursday, 18 March 2004

I've spent the day beading, and sewing, watching the film Singles, and pottering around because staying still hurts too much. Walking is still bad, but at least it loosens me up.

I've also been planning new projects and I've ordered some larger sized crocheting hooks so I can make my poncho. I should have 5.5mm, 6mm, 7mm and 8mm crochet hooks in the post to me soon.

Bad backs are good for Crafty days, but bad for the credit cards

bored bored bored bored

Yes I know, I should go to bed, but my back is killing me, and I can't even get comfortable laid down. Last night was uncomfortable and restless. I'm hoping exhaustion takes over tonight and I sleep. I'm supposed to be in work tomorrow, but at the moment that seems far from likely to happen. I hate phoning in sick!

I can't sit in one position for very long, so my usual hours spent in front of the computer are out, and crafting is in. I've started a new cross-stitch, a cat which my brother and sister-in-law got me for Christmas, (still seems strange having a sister in law, very grown up.) At the rate I'm going I'll have it finished in a couple of weeks. I'm also on the hunt for the perfect crocheted poncho pattern. I've got some fantastic rainbow homespun wool, and I want to make a vivid poncho for wrapping my self up in when we go camping. I made a silly hat out of the same wool a couple of weeks ago. I'll have to play with the camera tomorrow and show everything off.

Thursday, 11 March 2004

I hate people.
People are shit.
I just found out about the attacks in Spain.

Sunday, 7 March 2004


It's a Toyota Starlet, and it's mine.

Wednesday, 25 February 2004

Saturday...March 24, 1984.
Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois.60062.

Dear Mr. Vernon...We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong. What we did WAS wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write this essay telling you who we think we are, what do you care? You see us as you want to see the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at seven o'clock this morning. We were brainwashed.

So what's happening 24th March 2004?

Tuesday, 24 February 2004

Okay Ormskirk kiddies.
Tomorrow is pancake day.
I like pancakes.
I am willing to make lots of them tomorrow night.
Leave me a note as to what fillings you like and I will go and buy them tomorrow afternoon.
Then come round here tomorrow night and we can eat pancakes till we're sick
(you can clean up your own sick though)
I/We could also make some kind of savoury pancakes first to reduce the sickliness if you wish.
Personally I fancy some kind of broccoli/ricotta concoction, followed by ice cream and chocolate fudge sauce, and maybe some lemon and sugar thing too, but the choice is yours.
Let me know by about 3ish and I'll go shopping, and if you haven't left a comment, don't whine if I've not bought it

This offer is of course open to Non-Ormskirk kiddies, but I'm not expecting anyone to want to travel up here for pancakes

In other news, I've been in Sheffield all week. It was ace.

Sunday, 15 February 2004

R.I.P. Mr/Mrs Mouse.

The life of Mr/Mrs Mouse was tragically cut short at around 7:55 this evening by a cheese primed trap.

The remains (of mouse and trap) were bravely disposed of by myself, as Porl was rehearsing.

I feel like a cruel cruel woman

We now have 2 mousetraps primed and positioned. If there is a snap, Porl is dealing with it.
We've seen the mouse already today, so we know he's still in this room. Hopefully it'll soon all be over and I won't feel terrorised in my own home anymore.

I would take pictures of the actual traps, but on Friday someone stole Porls new coat, which had my camera in the pocket. So we're about £230 down, I'm unbelievably annoyed. My Dad bought me the camera for Christmas last year, I got my love of photography off him, and over the years he's bought or given me several very nice cameras. I'm going to see if the insurance will cover it, but as it was stolen while outside the house I'm not holding out much hope.

Grrr I hate people at times. Bloody Friday 13th

Saturday, 14 February 2004

Well today has been yesterday was rubbish.

I've got a stinking cold, which has gone straight to my chest, doing wonders for my asthma, and making me cough up thing which really shouldn't be in a humans lungs.

This means I'm at home missing To Amy with Love, and the Shirokuma single launch party, you know, that little event that we've been building towards for the past year.

So what have I done instead?

Well I was planning a quiet night in, sulking and listening to girlie music. I watched 'Once More with Feeling', was looking for something else to watch, when Duke came in with a present.

An alive mouse.

So I've spent the past hour and a half trying to catch it. The cats have helped. But we're all rubbish and have failed.

So the room is a mess... nothing is where it should be, but there are less mouse sized hidie holes. I suspect that the mouse is in the alcove behind the telly which is the one area where a girl with a bad back should not go hunting. Or I'd be severely shouted at by a boyfriend who isn't around when he's needed.

I'm waiting for them to phone and say how the gig went. Then I'm getting out of this room, shutting the door and going to bed. My bedroom door is curently shut with a towel across the bottom of it in crude mouse prevention style.

It's not that I don't like mice. I think they're great. When they're in the wild, or as pets in a cage which don't run or jump as quickly as this one did. But a wild mouse in my house is not good. It's very very bad.

And just for the record I always sit with my feet on top of my computer case. Okay I rarely wear shoes in the house and I never tuck my trousers in my shoes, but they're very baggy trousers and I didn't want to trip over them whilst mouse hunting.

Why did I say earlier that Friday 13th has never worried me? Stupid girl tempting fate!

Monday, 9 February 2004

Life is pottering along in the usual way. Very busy, but I can never think what is worth talking about, a few highlights though.

Following the house valuation the other day we've sat down with Porl's Dad and worked out a plan of action about buying it off him so that we can then sell up and move to Manchester/Stockport. It's complicated, and scary. I'm not sure which bit I find most scary though, the fact that I will have a house and a mortgage, and lots of grown up responsibilities, or the fact that before moving we're going to have to have a massive sort out and chuck out of lots of junk that we've acquired. Porl just seems scared about how the cats will cope with the move.

Last week were the Shirokuma warm up gigs. Wednesday at the Barons had multiple hiccups, but Thursday at Edge Hell went wonderfully. The Record Label were there and they were very impressed. Future plans are now being re-negotiated and it should all be much easier from here on in *fingers crossed*. The official single launch is on Friday at Amy. The single "Moonlight in the Afternoon" is released on 16th February, on Faith & Hope Records, go, find, buy.
The record label were also extremely happy with the website, so I'm a happy little bunny. I'll be even happier when the pay negotiations have been done and I know what I'll be getting.

I've also started getting some physio for my back. One of the perks of working for the NHS is that following a visit to Occupational Health waiting lists for physio can suddenly drop from 13 weeks down to 2 days. It seems likely that when I hurt my back when I was 18 I cracked a disc in my lower back. The pain I have now is nerve damage from that injury. I've also got a wonky pelvis because I'm holding myself strangely to try to relieve the pain. So I've been given a bunch of exercises to do, my favourite one involves sitting on a table and swinging my legs. I've also got to strengthen my Pelvic Floor muscle, and she's recommended Pilates Classes. So today I bought myself some new comfy gym clothes, because the ones I bought earlier in the year are far too big for me now! Yay for weight loss!!! I'm wearing them now and they're exceptionally comfy, so I might have to buy myself another pair for lounging around in.

Now I'm off to spend the rest of the night doing boring coursework, broken up by interesting more family tree research.

Tuesday, 3 February 2004

Ahhhhh..... Ahhhhh......
Wooo! Shock Woooo!

We've had the house valued.

I'm not very good at valuations.
We're having the house valued today. It's tidy, clean, and smelling of air freshener.
He's supposed to be here at 3.
He's late.
I'm nervous.

Wednesday, 28 January 2004

The syndicate thing didn't work. If anyone has an Idiot's guide to doing it I'd be very grateful.

Other news... where have I been hiding? My posts went through a stage of being fairly regular, so why has there been a 2 week break?
Well I've been busy. Very very busy.
I can't be bothered giving a full run down of it all in my usual rambling style. Also, let's face it there are more interesting things to read online. So I'll attempt to do a brief list, and try to keep it to one line per item, but there may be pictures.

In no particular order
  • I've done my back in... again. But possibly to a more serious extent this time.
  • I now have a desk.

  • Porl and I both have proper office chairs (instead of a chair salvaged from a skip and a pile of cushions.)
  • I'm on a waiting list to see a physio.
  • I seem to have traced my Pettifer family roots back to the 1600's.
  • We've had a (really good) random offer on the house.
  • We're moving to Manchester in the next few months.
  • I'm crocheting myself some trainer slippers.
  • Dave and Sarah have been down for a Shirokuma filled day.
  • We have 3 gigs organised for Shirokuma.

  • The Shirokuma Website (as designed by me) is launched.
  • Shirokuma's debut single will be released on 16th February on Faith and Hope Records. Buy It!
  • I've had a HUGE tax rebate without even having to claim.

I'm sure there's plenty more but I'm too tired to remember it all. The next fortnight is looking like being even busier than this last fortnight. Starting with a day blitzing the house tomorrow, ready for the Estate Agent people coming on Thursday to give us a valuation.

Life is suddenly extremely busy, exciting and scary.

Tuesday, 27 January 2004

I'm trying to get a syndicated feedy thingy to work... Fingers crossed, wish me luck.

Thursday, 15 January 2004

Should I be worrying about the fact I have to look at the clock on the computer seveal times a day to remind myself what day it is?

Sunday, 11 January 2004

The flu has gone, I'm back at work, but my bodyclock is still a bit more skewed than nomal.

I never make New Years Resolutions, being disappointed in myself is a bad way to start the year. But one of the Resolutions I haven't made this year is to get a sleep pattern. Ideallly getting up at no later than 10 o clock. Rather than an hour before I start work, even when I start work at 4pm! The other non-resolutions involve the normal things, get fit, go on holiday, generally improve life.

Befoe Christmas I was saying I needed a new hobby. Something a bit more of a challenge to get the brain cells whirling. Nothing in my life involves much thought, I can feel myself getting stupider.
Well I've found the new hobby. During the last few days of my illness I started researching my family tree. It's something which I've wanted to do since I was a kid, but it has always seemed to be something which involved funding, and travel.
When we were emptying my Grandparents house in 2002 we found a lot of old photos and certificates that my Grandad had saved. These have given me a really good start. That and the fact i asked lots of questions when I was a kid. My memory is terrible so I can't remember any of the answers, but my Mum has a great memory. Especially for dates.
So far I've got back to 1825, and my GGG Grandfather. I've also found a distant cousin who's been doing some research too, we've got the same GG Grandparents, so between us we've filled in a lot of gaps, and put some names to the faces on the pictures. Fingers crossed we'll find out more soon.

The down side of this is that I've discovered that just a few generation back I'm a southerner!

Sunday, 4 January 2004

Bad flu!
Go away!

As the New Years Eve posts hinted I wasn't feeling too great. By New Years Day it was pretty much official. The flu has got me.
Between now and then I've been pretty much in bed the whole time. I had to check the calender thingy on my computer today to find out what day it was I've lost track. My sleep patterns have gone even more erratic than ever (like 18 hours a day asleep), and I think I've had 2 meals in 4 days. I am beginning to feel slightly better though. I still hurt, I'm still shattered, I can get downstairs now, but if I have to go straight back up I run out of energy halfway.
I have watched lots of films during this illness though, including Meet me in St Louis, The Breakfast Club, which is my favourite film ever, What Women Want, Speed, Broken Silence, A Cut Above, Billy Madison, Elizabeth, Bedazzled, Sabrina Goes to Rome, The Sound of Music and Grease. Not bad for someone who doesn't really like watching films. I think I must have been really ill to watch some of them though. Yay fo getting ill during the holiday season when telly is slightly better than normal.
I've also done a lot of cross stitch, although not on the Indian which has been cast aside in resentment again, in favour of "Collecting Shells".

I wanted to go to Sheffield next week. I want to celebrate Christmas with my parents some time this side of Easter. But that is out now.

Flu, Go away. Please!

Thursday, 1 January 2004

Now it is.

Happy 2004 from Celeste, Porl, Duke & Gonzo, (who are currently hiding because fireworks scare them.)

Unfortunatly the spider in the bath was killed by an over enthusiastic cat on Christmas Eve, or it would be best wishes from him too.

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