Monday, 9 February 2004

Life is pottering along in the usual way. Very busy, but I can never think what is worth talking about, a few highlights though.

Following the house valuation the other day we've sat down with Porl's Dad and worked out a plan of action about buying it off him so that we can then sell up and move to Manchester/Stockport. It's complicated, and scary. I'm not sure which bit I find most scary though, the fact that I will have a house and a mortgage, and lots of grown up responsibilities, or the fact that before moving we're going to have to have a massive sort out and chuck out of lots of junk that we've acquired. Porl just seems scared about how the cats will cope with the move.

Last week were the Shirokuma warm up gigs. Wednesday at the Barons had multiple hiccups, but Thursday at Edge Hell went wonderfully. The Record Label were there and they were very impressed. Future plans are now being re-negotiated and it should all be much easier from here on in *fingers crossed*. The official single launch is on Friday at Amy. The single "Moonlight in the Afternoon" is released on 16th February, on Faith & Hope Records, go, find, buy.
The record label were also extremely happy with the website, so I'm a happy little bunny. I'll be even happier when the pay negotiations have been done and I know what I'll be getting.

I've also started getting some physio for my back. One of the perks of working for the NHS is that following a visit to Occupational Health waiting lists for physio can suddenly drop from 13 weeks down to 2 days. It seems likely that when I hurt my back when I was 18 I cracked a disc in my lower back. The pain I have now is nerve damage from that injury. I've also got a wonky pelvis because I'm holding myself strangely to try to relieve the pain. So I've been given a bunch of exercises to do, my favourite one involves sitting on a table and swinging my legs. I've also got to strengthen my Pelvic Floor muscle, and she's recommended Pilates Classes. So today I bought myself some new comfy gym clothes, because the ones I bought earlier in the year are far too big for me now! Yay for weight loss!!! I'm wearing them now and they're exceptionally comfy, so I might have to buy myself another pair for lounging around in.

Now I'm off to spend the rest of the night doing boring coursework, broken up by interesting more family tree research.

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