Monday, 10 May 2004

It's been a busy fortnight. On the fun side there's been lots of gigs, VIP passes and free champagne. On the not so fun side there's been lots of painting, lots of packing, and lots of serious grown up stuff like mortgages to arrange. I could go into it all in detail, but I'd probably end up having a rant, and that could be dangerous. So I'll bite my tongue and save myself getting into trouble.

Most of our belongings are now stored away in someone else's house, but sensibly I realized that I should keep some craft things here to stop myself going insane. So at some point I have to take pictues of the necklaces I've made. I also attempted to make myself a top, my first attempt at making clothing which needs to fit (unlike hats and scarves) unfortunatly it didn't go too well and it's going to need some serious adjusting, but it's going to have to wait until the house is either in some vague order, or more likely until we move. Last night I had a rummage and found some wool which had escaped the packing frenzy, so I started making a bag. It's just a simple string shopping bag, but it keeps me occupied.

Posts are likely to be infrequent for the next few weeks. With the move and Porl's music, life is very busy. I'd love to explain everything, but my tongue has too many teeth marks in it, rants are never far away, and I'm not certain of my readership.

Finally a little cartoon I found last night on toothpaste for dinner.

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