Wednesday, 12 May 2004

I've got a million and one priorities in my life at the moment (packing, decorating, gardening, applying for jobs, mortgages, carpet fitters coming, remembering to phone the Council to get them to clean up the mess left by the fire Monday night*, going to work, and so on...)

In spite of all this, the one over-riding thought in my brain every time I sit down at the computer is "Must redesign website". I'm trying to avoid it. I'm trying to push it out of my mind until after the move, but it's so hard. I keep thinking to myself,don't do a full scale rewrite, just play with some ideas. But it's avalanche like. Every time I "just play with ideas", I always end up doing a complete redesign. It's unavoidable, it just happens. ("When you grow up, your heart dies.") I shall try not to give into temptation, but if things begin to go a bit wierd you'll all know why.

* Yes the fire. I forgot to mention that. I was at work, and I got a panicky phone call off Porl. He'd seen smoke coming from the back of the house, he thought it was from the neighbours kitchen, but he soon found out it was from our bins. He phoned the 999 and both the Fire Brigade and the Police came out. We have students living next door to us, and the back of the house is a bit of a mess, the council bin men only collect what is nicely wrapped. Plus as we're at the end of the alley the wind blows lots of things our way, so we have about 4 plastic dustbins there, the remains of a Christmas Tree, a kids bike and other random rubbish. There are only 2 kids who live near us, and they're not the nicest kids around. Last year they took to throwing stones at houses and broke a car window in the process. It looks like they got bored on monday night and decided to try setting fire to the Christmas Tree.
We were very lucky. It melted the vent for the tumble drier. If it had been any fiercer it could easily have got into the kitchen through the vent and it would have been bye bye Kitchen. Thankfully it was spotted in time and we just have 4 melted dustbins, and the trunk of a Christmas Tree to clear up. Something else for us to deal with. Hey Ho!

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