Wednesday, 21 May 2003

I'm going on holiday in 4 days time, so I thought I'd best get some things done today, you know, the kind of things most people would have got sorted weeks ago.

Well I couldn't find any clothes, and I forgot to get the Travel Insurance, but I got the most important thing sorted, I bought some books. The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Alison Weir, Wideacre, by Philippa Gregory, and a little Collins Gem book on Kings & Queens. I've just finished reading The Other Boleyn Girl for the second time in as many months, it's also by Philippa Gregory, and it's brilliant. I never seemed to study Kings and Queens at school, so I'm studying now. I like the Tudor period best I think, the whole courtly kingdom. It's not a life I would have enjoyed, but it's good to learn about.

Maybe on Friday I'll get the holiday things sorted out. Hopefully I won't leave it as late as Saturday.

Tomorrow I will be doing housework. Especially washing.

A while ago I started making a blanket. It's going wierd though, and it's no longer a square. So today I learnt how to make Granny Squares, (yes I know that's how most people start learning to crochet, but I like to be different). I'm going to undo this big blanket, shich is a couple of feet across and start again making lots of little squares of about 10cm. They're far more easier to transport whilst making them too.

Sunday, 18 May 2003

I do like websites with a sense of humour. I learnt how to swim at this place I'd have problems swimming there now though because it's a pub called The Deep End. Remember kids, drinking and swimming don't mix.
It's actually owned by an old mate of mine. If you happen to be in the Sheffield area I recommend going.
Even if you aren't in the Sheffield area read the find us section anyway. Instructions for travel by Tram and Air are extremely helpful.

Friday, 16 May 2003

I hate this page not having pictures, it looks far too boring, so here are a few which I took of the garden yesterday. I love flowers and colour, however I hate cutting the grass. I'm hoping that seeing these pictures online might shame me into doing the garden. Probably not though. I'll always find an excuse. The current excuse is that I can't get to the strimmer or lawn mower because the garage is full of things which need to be taken for recycling. When/If I get around to that my hayfever will probably be bad. I'm so good at putting things off. At least the cats gain a fun place to place through my ineptitude.

my shameThe lion, enjoying the Savannahmint going rampant between an unidentified, but very pink bushfishie fishie fishie

the bottom pictures are of the mint in my garden going rampant, but looking lovely growing inbetween all the flowers, it smells great too, though I'll probably curse myself for letting it get so wild. Lastly as I want to try out glass painting I thought I'd buy some cheap kids plastic ones to have a go at first. Okay so they aren't proper glass paints, and they're very very opaque, but what can you expect from Poundland. This little chappy currently lives in my kitchen.

Anyway, time for work now.

Wednesday, 14 May 2003

I've been a busy webgirly. I wrote a big long post about just how busy, but then pressed something and it all disappeared... again! Guess I've still got to figure Blogger out.

Anyway the regular (hahaha!) readers will notice that you can now comment on any posts. This is thanks to Enetation. I've spent most of tonight brushing up my CSS skills getting the comments box to match the rest of my page. I'm glad to say that even though I'm using Dreamweaver nowadays, I can still remember HTML and CSS.

Slightly less obvious will be the fact that I'm now posting via Blogger instead of doing it all manually. Unfortunalty Blogger doesn't let you back date posts, unless you pay for it, and cheap as it may be, I can't afford it. So at the moment there aren't any of the older posts, I'll put them up somewhere in the next couple of days. Right now though it's bed time.

Night Night

Tuesday, 13 May 2003

Well yesterdays productiveness failed, but today, hopefully there should be comments on here now. Fingers crossed anyway.

Monday, 12 May 2003

Ahhh thought I'd got this sussed, but just pressed a button and all the stuff I had typed had disappeared.

Hopefully it'll work this time.

All I was trying to say was... I've spent all night working on this, and I seem to have now got blogger to post stuff via my FTP to my site, using my template, not bloggers... Hurrah!

Tomorrows job will be to figure out how to put old archives up, change the journal bit to the first page instead of this hopefully hidden page, and lastly try to get a comment facility to work within the posts.. I'm not sure that will work though.

I certainly can't do it now though, I need sleep. Feeling ill anyway, and I hit my head on a cupboard door in the kitchen earlier, I've got a great lump now.

Oooh best check that the time appears properly too.

okay, night night.

Sunday, 11 May 2003

Yay... I got blogger posting via my FTP. Right , now to suss out changing the look of it.

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