Wednesday, 14 May 2003

I've been a busy webgirly. I wrote a big long post about just how busy, but then pressed something and it all disappeared... again! Guess I've still got to figure Blogger out.

Anyway the regular (hahaha!) readers will notice that you can now comment on any posts. This is thanks to Enetation. I've spent most of tonight brushing up my CSS skills getting the comments box to match the rest of my page. I'm glad to say that even though I'm using Dreamweaver nowadays, I can still remember HTML and CSS.

Slightly less obvious will be the fact that I'm now posting via Blogger instead of doing it all manually. Unfortunalty Blogger doesn't let you back date posts, unless you pay for it, and cheap as it may be, I can't afford it. So at the moment there aren't any of the older posts, I'll put them up somewhere in the next couple of days. Right now though it's bed time.

Night Night

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