I hate this page not having pictures, it looks far too boring, so here are a few which I took of the garden yesterday. I love flowers and colour, however I hate cutting the grass. I'm hoping that seeing these pictures online might shame me into doing the garden. Probably not though. I'll always find an excuse. The current excuse is that I can't get to the strimmer or lawn mower because the garage is full of things which need to be taken for recycling. When/If I get around to that my hayfever will probably be bad. I'm so good at putting things off. At least the cats gain a fun place to place through my ineptitude.

the bottom pictures are of the mint in my garden going rampant, but looking lovely growing inbetween all the flowers, it smells great too, though I'll probably curse myself for letting it get so wild. Lastly as I want to try out glass painting I thought I'd buy some cheap kids plastic ones to have a go at first. Okay so they aren't proper glass paints, and they're very very opaque, but what can you expect from Poundland. This little chappy currently lives in my kitchen.
Anyway, time for work now.
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