Wednesday, 4 October 2006

The bathroom has been painted... again.

I tried living with the colour for a week, I even put the cupboards back up, and put all the decorative things back, hoping that it might just be the bareness of the room that was putting me off the colour.

But no, it was the colour putting me off the colour.

I learnt my lesson and bought some tester pots on the way home last night, so the bathroom is now the pale bluey-grey colour that I had first imagined. Mum & Dad have been up for the day, so while Dad put some shelves up in our bedroom, Mum and I got the painting done, thankfully it only needed one coat. After dinner Dad "rested his eyes" for a couple of hours while we got the glossing done. I still need to do some touching up, and another coat of gloss, but I can now go in the bathroom without getting a horrible restless feeling.

Next weekend we paint the hall/stairs/landing.
It is going to be white.

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