A meme pinched from Kat's Paws
Accent: Sorry, English Language student, my pet subject, forgive my rambling on this bit. My accent changes depending on who I'm talking to, or what I'm talking about. I pick accents up pretty easily (but wierdly I'm rubbish at imitating them.)
I've got a definite Northern accent, but beyond that it's a little confused.
It's definitely not Sheffield, (I don't sound like Jarvis Cocker or the Arctic Monkeys) even though I lived there for 18 years, but it does get broader when I spend any time there. Some words come out with a strong Scouse twang thanks to the 9 years in Ormskirk, sometime a Lancashire accent creeps in. Since moving to Stalybridge I've realized I speak quickly, a little quicker than the Mancs and Stockport people I work with , and about 10 x faster than the Tamesiders, I often get bewildered looks off people who haven't caught a word I've said, I'm slowing down though.
My Mum once told me that since going to Ormskirk my accent had turned "sing-song" which I quite like. Basically quick and the tone going all over the place. In my head my voice is far deeper than it is in real life. I always wonder who the squeaky person is when I hear recordings.
Booze: Not much anymore (except for all the cider I've drank since coming back from Cornwall.) The pubs withing easy walking distance are rubbish so if we do go out I usually drive. I'm too forgetful to drink much in the house. As for what I like, proper ciders if I can find them, good strong lagers like Staropramen, San Miguel and Stalla Artois, I occasionally like real ales too. If I'm not in the mood for lager then I'll have a Vodka & Lemonade (no ice), if I'm at home and determind to get drunk it's usually Gin & Bitter Lemon which I love but can't afford in pubs. I don't like red wine, it gives me chronic hangovers and makes me thirsty, I will drink a nice medium or sweet white though.
Chore I hate: All of them? unless I'm in the right mood. I always hate hoovering the stairs though
Dogs/cats: Two cats, Duke & Gonzo, love 'em to bits.
Essential electronics: Computer. Unlike almost everyone else in the world I don't care about my mobile phone. In fact workmates curse me because it regularly runs out of batteries and I don't realize.
Favorite perfume: Pass, I rarely wear it, I've got a few bottles that people bought as presents but I don't know what there are (one might be Calvin Klein, haven't a clue about the other 2.) I did find one called Celeste, or Angel though which I was quite tempted by, but it was a bit sweet smelling.
Gold/silver: Silver, but most of my decent jewellery is gold because it's all inherited.
Hometown: I still think of Sheffield as home because that's where I was born and grew up and my family are there. This house feels like home.. because it is, and it's mine, but Stalybridge as a town doesn't yet, even though I love it and the area. Plus Ormskirk will always have a special place in my heart because I had so many good years there and my friends are there.
Insomnia: Only at the end of the month :) I find it realy hard to go to bed before midnight though, even when I have to get up for work at 6 the next morning.
Job title: Support Worker (which is so undescriptive) so I generally say NHS Support Worker for Adults with Learning Disabilities
Kids: Nope... ask again this time next year. ;)
Living arrangements: Me, Blokey, 2 cats. He's my "Domestic Partner" oh how I hate that phrase.
Most admired trait: The ability to smile, laugh and stay calm, even when everything is going to shit.
My years in Customer Services, dealing with complaining customers 8 hours a day made me realize that shouting at people gets you nowhere. If you keep your temper and keep smiling people will go out of their way to help you, if you lose it you'll get put to the bottom of the pile (I know I've done it to angry people so many times myself.)
Now if only customers would realize this, then Customer Services might be a bearable job.
Number of sexual partners: :P Not a chance.
Overnight hospital stays: None, unless I was kept in when I was born, I'll have to ask.
Phobia: Spiders, getting water in my ears.
Quote: I've had a quote tumbling round the back of my head for months, but can't find it anywhere, these 2 give the general gist though:
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it."Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784), quoted in Boswell's Life of Johnson
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "As You Like It", Act 5 scene 1
I've just found this too which I quite like:
"Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked."Lord Chesterfield (1694 - 1773)
Religion: Technically a Christian, I was Christened, but only went to church at Christmas or Remembrance Day, sometimes Easter and Harvest Festival, mainly only when my brother was playing the trumpet or with Scouts & Guides. I was never taught about Christianity so know scarily little, maybe one day I'll read the bible, just for the story, and because I suppose I should know some things for pub quizzes.
I was once told my beliefs were Pagan, I believe in looking after the planet, treating everyone equally, and as Bill & Ted say "Be excellent to each other."
Siblings: A big brother Sam, he's 4 1/2 years older than me, and in about 3 weeks will be a Dad ! Scary!
Time I usually wake up: If I'm working then I have to get up at 6:30. If I'm rested and able to wake up naturally then it's usually about 10am. I don't go to bed till at least 1am if I don't have to get up though, often much later, so I'm not that lazy really... I just have an unsocible body clock.
Unusual talent: I honestly can't think of any. If any friends can think of any let me know, I feel so boring and dull right now.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Peas & sweetcorn, if the odd one slips into a mix of something I will eat it, but if possible I'll pick it out. Also cauliflower and beans (the big long green ones). Pretty much anything else I'll eat, but some things, like cabbage I'll have to eat with potatoes. I know I sound fussy, especially for a vegetarian, but believe me, I'm far far less fussy than I used to be.
Worst habit: Procrastination. Messiness. Buying books and craft things. Pack-rat.
X-rays: Only Dentist ones.
Yummy foods I make: My Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies & Broccolli Mush (not together) are most popular, but I'm quite proud of my veggie stews and veggie lasagnes (the meat ones are apparently quite good too, but I've never tried them.) Basically I'm quite good at really hearty, comfort for type meals.
Zodiac sign: Leo. Star signs fascinate me, I've had my chart done and can see a lot of truth in the results, but then I think of my friend who is 8 hours 10 minutes older than me, yet so completely different to me it's unbelievable.
There, several hours wasted. Bed time now, crafting tomorrow.
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