Thursday, 9 February 2006

I took pictures to try to make this post more interesting, but photos need a photo editing program, which I haven't re-installed yet. So I tried re-installing Photoshop, but it's not working, and my brain is too tired to work out why right now. I'll try again tomorrow.

Instead here are 2 places I've been reading a lot recently.
CrAftermath hurrah for UK crafters. Especially ones who have a forum (tomorrow I might get around to posting in there too.)
Also Whip Up, which is oozing with inspiration... a link from there even managed to inspire me to tidy out my material chest this evening!

Must also mention The AntiCraft which I've been checking every few days for updates... I sort of wish I hadn't.

Every crafty blog seems to be talking about the Knitting Olympics. I wasn't going to bother, however, the spirit of The AntiCrafts Team Angstylvania has caught me, it seems to sum up my feelings at the moment.
In the true spirit of the team I haven't a clue when the Olympics are, and can't be bothered finding out. I can't decide what to work on at the moment, but I bought a nice bamboo circular needle off ebay which arrived today, so I'll probably try making a sock out of the multicoloured yarn I bought from the G-Mex months ago.
I'll be chuffed if I manage to finish one though, I never finish anything...

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