Monday, 16 January 2006

The break off work is over, but I'm still feeling lethargic and groggy. I did manage to accomplish some things though. Sunday I managed to get rid of the horrid plastic shed/bunker in my garden to someone on freecycle who was in need of one. The decking looks much bigger now, and it spurred me on to spend an hour in the garden planting some bulbs (which should have been planted in December.)
While planting the bulbs I dug up some others that Mum and I planted last year and I'd forgotten about, and as soon as this lot were in the ground I promptly forgot which bulbs I'd planted where. However, as I've also forgotten the names of the bulbs it makes no difference anyway. Spring will probably bring a riotous clash of colour to the garden.

I've also been busy scanning in all my Genealogical stuff, which meant another inevitable hunt online to see if I can find anymore ancestors. I think I've found some, but there will always be some tantalising mysteries.

I love researchng my family tree because of these mysteries. For example, I have this photo.

Annie Eliza Longden

This is my Great Great Grandmother Annie Eliza Longden. I know this because it's been written on the back by either my Grandma or my Great Aunt Doris who would have known her.
Apparently the Longden's were quite well off, they donated Wadsley Scout group the large hut they held their meetings in. I spent a lot of my childhood playing in it too, but unfortunatly after a hundred years or so of use it was burnt down a few years ago by some bored teenagers who weren't interested in Scouts.
Annie's parents weren't very happy about her marrying my GGGranfather John Charles Machin, as he was wasn't well off, so we think she was dis-owned.
The problem is that I haven't sent off for a marriage certificate yet, so I don't know what Annie's parents were called, or how they got their money (if they had any.)

However thanks again to helpful relatives writing on the backs of photos I do know though that this is Annie Eliza's mother.

My Great Great Great Grandmother

I find it fascinating that I can have a picture of someone, know what relation they are to me, but not know their name, (or what made them so miserable).

On a side note, because of this photo and the fact that I had an old Gypsy dressing up outfit from this side of the family, I thought that we were decended from Gypsies until I was well into my teens when someone put me straight.
Only then did I realize that the Gypsy outfit was fancy dress, not real... not many Gypsies had black velvet shorts and waistcoats, and pink silk shirts and head scarves.

What's even more frustrating though is that I also have these 2 photos.

4xGreat Grandmother? 4xGreat Grandfather?

The only writing on the back of these pictures is "This must not be taken as a specimen of Wright Bros. Work, as it is a Copy of an Old Photo". No helpful names for me, but there is definatly a family likeness between these 2 and Annie Eliza. I'm not an expert of dress styles but these are from a much earlier period (you can't see it very well on the scan but the woman has a frilled white cap on.) It could be that this woman is a younger version of Misery Guts, or they could even be Misery Guts' parents, and so my 4xGreat Grandparents. I doubt I'll ever know for certain who exactly they are, but it's things like this that keep me hunting for ancestors.

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