Friday, 13 January 2006

I'm having a short period of hibernation at the moment. Normal service should be resumed soon... I hope.

Hibernation has been caused by having spent a lot of days in work (for me anyway) which earns me a nice break of a few days. Unfortunatly the first few hours of the break were spent in hospital with a client. Thankfully everything is fine, but it did make me realize how attached I've got to them already.

I'm also hoping hibernation will help me kick the bad cold which I got just after new year. The sneezing has gone, but it's settled on my chest making breaking a chore, and I'm exhausted all the time.

I've got so many things I want/need to do, but I don't seem to have the time... actually that a lie. I have the time, just not the energy. I need some dynamite. Tomorrow I'm off to see Mum and Dad to pick up some old photos of ancestors which I can scan in with my new scanner (which is ace!).

There are other things I need to do (go to Stockport shopping, meet up with Shell, do some gardening) but all I want to do is sleep. Hopefully I'll get some energy if I sleep well tonight.

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