Thursday, 10 November 2005

1 day to go.
I'm starting to wish I'd given myself a few days break before starting the new job, but I need the money. Working part time means I'll have plenty of free days once the training is over and the new job starts.
The panic has set in at work. Everyone is trying to get everything up to date before I leave. I worked through every lunch break this week, and most of last week. But I've refused to stay late. I doubt I'd get paid for it.
Tomorrow I am Definately not. 4:30 I'll be out of there.

I have a leaving interview at 4pm tomorrow. It could be interesting. I'm curious what I'll be asked. I haven't decided yet how honest I'll be in my answers.
It depends who does the interview.

I've been avoiding the PC all week, I've been so tired and I'm fighting the beginnings of a cold, so I've been curled up on the sofa doing cross-stitch and trying to get early nights. The cross-stitch is coming on well, but I've not perfected the early nights yet.

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