Tuesday, 11 October 2005

I'm almost fed up with Christmas already. I love Christmas, but I hate the fact that it starts earlier each year. The shops are full of decorations, the main topic of conversation at work is the Christmas Do, and on the news they were telling us yesterday "it's only 10 weeks till Christmas".
I had a little rant:

It may be just 10 weeks till Christmas, but there are only 52 weeks in a year which means Christmas is still a fifth of a year away!

I try not to think of Christmas until December, or at the very earliest my Dads birthday which is 6 weeks before Christmas, I'm certainly not thinking of it now...

However in complete contradition I am thinking about New Year's Resolutions. I don't normally make them as I never stick to them, but there are a couple of changes I really want to make next years.
First, cataloguing my books has made me realize I don't read enough. So I want to try to read 50 books next year (Matt how are you doing with that this year?)
Second, I seem to talk about crafts more than doing them, so I'm going to aim for 50 completed objects next year, hopefully it will be far more.

As a boost towards starting this I'm going to take up the ArtByTheInch challenge again this year. There doesn't seem to be any movement on the website, but the LJ Forum is still alive so I won't be alone in my challenge. Also Matt is doing NaNoWriMo again this year with his own added challenge (email him if you want to keep him in check and read each chapter as he writes it) hopefully we can encourage each other.

Also, way back in July I had some news which I couldn't share. I still can't... yet, but hopefully it shouldn't be much longer now!

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