Saturday, 16 April 2005

I'm procrastinating.
I have to get Mark's website done, but the whole PC not working thing has really put a dampener on my day.
Earlier today I was looking at the other two sites I've been working on. They both look really washed out and boring. I nearly deleted them there and then, but managed to resist that temptation. They're going to need a rethink though. I need inspiration. I've order some books from Amazon, HTML Pocket Reference, and CSS Pocket Reference. I decided to buy some updated references when I realized that my most useful Webdesign book was published in 1996. It covers tables, touches on Javascript, and waxes lyrical about Scrolling Marquee and Blink tags. So pretty rubbish really. The new books won't be here for another 2 weeks, so I think I'll get the Shirokuma site done then forget about websites for a while.

I've got a general lack of enthusiasm for everything at the moment. Mainly because work is really really cheesing me off. I try not to talk about work here because I can never be sure who's reading, but I need to vent.
The company is going through some complicated changes, and I'm not feeling particularly secure. However if on Monday I found out I no longer had a job I wouldn't be too upset (except for the panic about bills, mortgage, eating etc.) I'm really not enjoying office work. I miss the freedom of shifts, I miss the ability to earn extra money, I miss sitting around reading books with Lizzie and drinking coffee. But mostly I hate that instead of being paid to support and care for people, now I'm paid to help other people make money.
Not exactly the fulfilling life I'd pictured for myself.
I keep scanning the papers for NHS Support Worker posts, but nothing has come up, well I've seen one, but I'd need a sex change. None NHS doesn't pay as well, or have the benefits, so I'd only do them as a second job.
I'll keep hoping that work gets better, or something else come up, I'm not one for giving up on a job, no matter how grim it gets. The other problem is that if I was to leave I'd feel unbelievably guilty about leaving people in the lurch. Oh for an easy life.

Anyway rant over. Very sorry.

On a positive note Porl found an Angel Box set in Morrisons today. Season 3, part 2, but it only cost £4.99!
Guess what I'm watching.

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