Saturday, 30 April 2005

Hmm, silly Blogger. Usually it plays quite nicely for me, but it's being annoying tonight. Earlier it posted something twice, so I deleted one of them, but it crashed halfway through. I came back home and there were still 2 posts, so I deleted one, and now both have gone. Nevermind it wasn't very enlightening anyway.

We've just got back from seeing Hitchhikers. In the 9 years of living in Ormskirk I think I must have been to the cinema about 6 times. It was just too awkward and too far to get to. Now we have a cinema 10 minutes away, so we're trying to go more often. I'm always horrified at the price though, when I used to go regularly it was £1.50. Now it's £5.40.

Anyway Hitchhikers was good. I didn't like Zaphod, but then I never did in the books either. The soundtrack was ace, but I love anything Neil Hannon has a hand in. Marvin was a little bit too Japanese, but I'd still like a knitted one. I don't want to say much more, it's only just been released and I hate it when people spoil films for me by blabbering on about them.

Decided to do some late night gardening when I came home, dead-heading the daffodils. I discovered why they looked so tatty so quickly, the slugs have been eating them. They were covered! So I got the salt out and killed them all.
What a nice vegetarian I am.
I hate slugs. My love of walking barefoot means I've trod on too many slugs in my life, and I'd be happy if every last one of them died a horrible shrivelling death. There were a few snails around too. I don't mind snails (although I really get the shivers when I tread on them.) They were pulled off the plants too, and pointed (thrown) in the direction of the neighbours garden. Maybe they'll eat all their dandelions.

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