Monday, 4 April 2005

Ace weekend, so tired now though.

Friday night I lounged around doing very little. Saturday we did some gardening, the front garden is looking more respectable now, and I've put loads of seeds in. Before we left Mill Street I went round collecting seeds. I also mentioned to the neighbour that I loved poppies, and she gave me half a jam jar of poppy seeds as a reminder of her.
I love getting plants off other people, especially seeds because you never know what you're going to end up with. Most of the seeds were in little brown envelopes with things like "tall blue flowers by the fountain", and "exploding plants from Larkhill" written on them. I need to come up with better descriptions, because they mean nothing to be now. Nevermind, in a few weeks time the garden should be a lovely, colourful surprise.

Saturday night we went up to Ormskirk, for the return of the boy Robin. We sat in the Windmill and it was like we'd been transported back in time 7 months. Everyone was there again.
I like my mates, we can have great discussions about literature, computer games, and the political situation in Bolivia. We'll then go on to discuss in great detail (and acting out) the most recent silly adverts on telly. They're a weird lot but I love them.
We were planning on coming back to Stalybridge, mostly because we thought Robin would be jetlagged and it would be an early night, but his body clock was somewhere around early evening, and the lure of vodka was too tempting for me. I finally stumbled up to bed at 6 in the morning.

Sunday we headed back to Stalybridge. It was too late to make a full sunday lunch, but we managed to make 2 hearty stews (one veggie one meaty). Porl made the dumplings, without the disaster of last time, (I'd told him to add water till it was a dough, but he added water till it was a batter, after rescuing it we ended up with dumplings as big as our heads!) We've got enough stew left to last us a few days, so I predict that I'll be eating tea and falling asleep for the next few days.

I've had an email off the people setting up the craft club in Hattersley. It looks like the first meeting will be in a couple of weeks time. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house one night a week, and the chance to meet people and learn things. I can also pick their brains over where the best craft shops are. I've only found 1 since I moved here, which is good for my wallet, but the temptation to buy online is getting a bit much.

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