Thursday, 21 September 2006

It's not a good state of affairs when you realise the only way you're going to get the house tidy is by embarrassing yourself into doing it.
I posted these to Craftster thread Share your Mess... Then let's clean it up

my_mess_1 my_mess_3

That's what happens after a month of illness, 2 weeks of annual leave, and a lot of crafting. Not that it's been like that for a month, it's just been gradually getting worse for a fortnight. I've been saying for 3 days that I'm going to put it all away, but it's not been happening. This isn't even a room I can just shut the door on, it's the craft/dining room end of our kitchen/diner.
Sometimes I wonder if letting Porl have the little bedroom as a music room was a good idea, or whether I'd have been better in there... I'm not allowing myself to start using the spare bedroom as a craft room, that way lies madness...

The embarrasment worked. The dining table is now clear, the bead drawers are organised again, and my desk is clear, I can use the mouse again, and I found my car keys!
I've still got some things I want to sort out, but they involve making a mess again, so I'll let the room be tidy for a night before I start making a mess again.
In the middle of this cleaning frenzy I did also defrost the freezer... that wouldn't have waited till tomorrow :/

I was supposed to be going on an NVQ course tomorrow, the second towards my NVQ II in Care, I've decided not to go though because I'm still on Annual Leave, and not bored enough of being at home yet to crave the real world. Also my bodyclock is totally out of sync, it's 3:19am, and I'm not tired.

    My list of things still to do:
  • Decoupage Horrid plastic index card box where I keep my family history stuff.
  • Cover pinboard in some nice material.
  • Paint rest of drawers white, and put the smarties fronts on.
  • Finish decoupage on stamp box.
  • Make filing cabinet less Grey.

  • Build cupboard in corner to hide electric meter, mops ironing board etc, put proper work bench in, put shelves up, paint....
  • Talk Dad into helping with the last lot :/

I'm hoping tomorrow someone will have received some post, so I'll be able to show some pictures of at least some of the things I've been making, if not then I might get around to posting pictures of my Charity Shop haul from a week ago.

Oh and thankyou to everyone who's wished me a speedy recovery from "the cold that will not be beaten". I did go to the doctors, it seems this lingering cold is doing the rounds, I didn't need antibiotics so I've just been on paracetamols and my asthma inhalers. After a month of having a cold I think it might have finally gone (I hope). Now I just have to wait for my irritating asthma cough to go... by which time knowing my luck it'll probably be winter, or flu season...

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