Saturday, 22 October 2005

What a difference a few days off work can do.

Wednesday was Matt's birthday, & Thursday was Porl's, so after work I drove straight up to Ormskirk for celebrations. I had to pick Porl up at Burscough Train station first, I arrived there early and exhausted, so I fell asleep in the car while I was waiting, I slept for about half an hour, but it went dark in that time so I woke up utterly confused, and feeling like I'd slept for hours. Once in Ormskirk we went out to order Chinese and then a night of many pints began.
It was a great night, the gang back together, and everyone was in good spirits. Maybe one day I'll learn not to drink though. I haven't drank much this past year, and my tolerance for it has plummeted, so by the end of the night I was feeling a bit poorly sick. Luckily I woke up stupidly early the next morning, took some painkillers and went to bed until a more reasonable hour, at which point I felt mostly okay, and a walk round Ormskirk made me feel even more human. I'm jealous of Ormskirk's new Oxfam Book Shop though. I leave Ormskirk and they get a decent craft shop and then a 2nd bookshop. It's not fair!

The unfortunate thing about Porl's birthday being the day after Matts is that Porl always has a hangover on his birthday. So it was celebrated by going to his mums and doing very little. At tea time we went out for a meal, which perked us both up, then we headed back home to 2 angry cats who don't like being left alone overnight.

Friday I had a lazy day pottering around the house, giving it a good clean, I was supposed to be going shopping with Shell, but my lack of organisation and laziness let me down again. Shell is too much of an early bird for me, but after Wednesday night I really did need the extra sleep.

Today Mum & Dad came up and inbetween the rain showers we weatherproofed the decking. We're getting a shed delivered in about a weeks time, so the painting had to be done today, rain or shine. Tomorrow I might actually remember to take some pictures of it, I've been meaning to all week. Then Porl and I drove off to Ashton to pick up a Freecycle table for his room, and on the way back we stopped at Ashton market to get picnic goodies to eat. Mum had given us some money for a Birthday take-away, but we were craving healthy food.

I can't believe I've only been off for 3 days. I feel like I've had a holiday, and I've still got 1 more day of the weekend left.

Oh the baking went down well. The response from my boss (who rarely speaks to me) as he passed me back the empty box at the end of the day was "Yes, very good, same tomorrow if you please". From Matt I had an email titled "MMmrrffphh prrrfll" which was the sound of him eating cake.

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