Thursday, 11 August 2005

Oh how I hate IE. I hate it sooooo much!
I've spent a couple of nights working on the new layout, and it looks great... in Firefox. But stupidly I'd forgotten to check it in IE as I went along. So I checked it, and the layout is all over the place.
Why? Why? Why?
I stick to nice simple HTML, and CSS. It's not complicated code! If I can understand it why can't IE?
I thought I had got to the stage where I could start applying the new design to all the pages, but instead I've got to go back to the manuals and online tutorials to work out why IE is so rubbish.

On a lighter note, the garden is looking great. I wish I'd taken some "before" pictures. While I was at work today Mum and Dad have been building a little wall, 3 bricks high at the back of the garden, well they had to find some use for all the rubble that we found under the top soil (numerous bricks, broken paving slabs, even 4 breeze blocks). They've moved the little shed, ready for next week when the wood and concrete blocks arrive so we can start building the base for the deck which the new big shed will sit on.
I spent tonight spraying parts of the grass with weed killer in an attempt at killing it before the plastic sheeting goes down. It does seem daft that Porl and I spent last night cutting the grass and now I'm trying to kill it, but it's got to be better than digging up the turf which was the other option.

Finally before I head off for bed I should mention Saturday. I'm taking Mum & Dad to Holmfirth, to a Knitting & Crochet Guild Open Day (hoping to get some tips on spinning too). Porl is ecstatic about the fact that I'm not expecting him to come, he'll be happy at home watching the cricket (though I think it will be raining). My Dad however is happy to go, he likes his crafts too, and a trip to Homfirth means he can go to Ashley Jackson's Art Shop.

Oh nearly forgot... Well Done Jimmy on passing your Driving Test!!!
So when are you driving us to the Cairngorms then? :)

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