Dash it Obby! Dash it! It twinkled! I like twinkling things!
Magpie - The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew.
We may have a problem. Gonzo has a new favourite perch on top of our shed/storage thing in the garden. Unfortunatly a Magpie has decided to build it's nest in the tree directly above Gonzo's perch. The nest is about 4-5 foot above where Gonzo sits, he's far too heavy to be able to get up there, but we have one very irate Magpie who has spent the day lunging and diving at Gonzo trying to scare him away.
Let's hope Gonzo's eyes don't twinkle too much...
The weekend was quiet. Mum and Dad came up on Friday to do some DIY, then Jimmy and Robin came up Friday night we drank beer and had a silly game of Balderdash (not that it's possible o have a sensible game of Balderdash). I also slept a lot, read a little, and started crocheting a new bag.
Who needs expensive Noro yarn, when you can get 20p balls of yarn from Charity shops that work up like this!

It's quite fluffly, and using a 4mm hook it's working up quite firm, I'm having to feel where to put my hook in, because I can see any gaps. The finished result is great, almost like it's been felted. I'm not sure how tall it will be, probably about the same height again, I'll just keep going until I run out.
Work today has made me feel a bit more comfortable as I've found out what my new role will be. I was basically given a choice between working in Customer Service, Accounts, or Operations. As I hate customers, and have never worked in Accounts, I went with Operations. Which is what I wanted to do anyway. Now I get to process orders, sort out faults, and shout at BT and YC a lot, and not have to speak to customers. I'll also be the only female in a team of men which is how I like it. Women are wierd!
Finally we had Drama this evening!
Porl came downstairs asking what the beep beep beeping was. He thought it was on the telly, I thought it was a car alarm. After a minute or so of trying to work out where it was coming from he shouted "call the fire brigade it's next door!"
He'd seen smoke coming from the vent next door, but no windows or doors were open so we thought they were out. I phoned the Fire Brigade, while I was on the phone to them the neighbour came out, and smoke was billowing out of the door. I tried to tell them it was okay, but the Fire Engines were on their way already.
Her dinner needed 20 minutes to cook, but she'd left it in for 2 hours. The house was full of smoke. The fire engines arrived, we apologised and explained it was a bit of a false alarm, but they checked everything out and used big industrial fans to clear the smoke for her. They left then I had a chat with her and calmed her down. I was shaking like a leaf, and she was crying. Thankfully there's no lasting damage, and I understand her a little better.
That makes 3 times in 2 years that we've had to call the fire brigade. That must be way above average. I'd like to not have to do it again for many many years.