Wednesday, 28 January 2004

The syndicate thing didn't work. If anyone has an Idiot's guide to doing it I'd be very grateful.

Other news... where have I been hiding? My posts went through a stage of being fairly regular, so why has there been a 2 week break?
Well I've been busy. Very very busy.
I can't be bothered giving a full run down of it all in my usual rambling style. Also, let's face it there are more interesting things to read online. So I'll attempt to do a brief list, and try to keep it to one line per item, but there may be pictures.

In no particular order
  • I've done my back in... again. But possibly to a more serious extent this time.
  • I now have a desk.

  • Porl and I both have proper office chairs (instead of a chair salvaged from a skip and a pile of cushions.)
  • I'm on a waiting list to see a physio.
  • I seem to have traced my Pettifer family roots back to the 1600's.
  • We've had a (really good) random offer on the house.
  • We're moving to Manchester in the next few months.
  • I'm crocheting myself some trainer slippers.
  • Dave and Sarah have been down for a Shirokuma filled day.
  • We have 3 gigs organised for Shirokuma.

  • The Shirokuma Website (as designed by me) is launched.
  • Shirokuma's debut single will be released on 16th February on Faith and Hope Records. Buy It!
  • I've had a HUGE tax rebate without even having to claim.

I'm sure there's plenty more but I'm too tired to remember it all. The next fortnight is looking like being even busier than this last fortnight. Starting with a day blitzing the house tomorrow, ready for the Estate Agent people coming on Thursday to give us a valuation.

Life is suddenly extremely busy, exciting and scary.

Tuesday, 27 January 2004

I'm trying to get a syndicated feedy thingy to work... Fingers crossed, wish me luck.

Thursday, 15 January 2004

Should I be worrying about the fact I have to look at the clock on the computer seveal times a day to remind myself what day it is?

Sunday, 11 January 2004

The flu has gone, I'm back at work, but my bodyclock is still a bit more skewed than nomal.

I never make New Years Resolutions, being disappointed in myself is a bad way to start the year. But one of the Resolutions I haven't made this year is to get a sleep pattern. Ideallly getting up at no later than 10 o clock. Rather than an hour before I start work, even when I start work at 4pm! The other non-resolutions involve the normal things, get fit, go on holiday, generally improve life.

Befoe Christmas I was saying I needed a new hobby. Something a bit more of a challenge to get the brain cells whirling. Nothing in my life involves much thought, I can feel myself getting stupider.
Well I've found the new hobby. During the last few days of my illness I started researching my family tree. It's something which I've wanted to do since I was a kid, but it has always seemed to be something which involved funding, and travel.
When we were emptying my Grandparents house in 2002 we found a lot of old photos and certificates that my Grandad had saved. These have given me a really good start. That and the fact i asked lots of questions when I was a kid. My memory is terrible so I can't remember any of the answers, but my Mum has a great memory. Especially for dates.
So far I've got back to 1825, and my GGG Grandfather. I've also found a distant cousin who's been doing some research too, we've got the same GG Grandparents, so between us we've filled in a lot of gaps, and put some names to the faces on the pictures. Fingers crossed we'll find out more soon.

The down side of this is that I've discovered that just a few generation back I'm a southerner!

Sunday, 4 January 2004

Bad flu!
Go away!

As the New Years Eve posts hinted I wasn't feeling too great. By New Years Day it was pretty much official. The flu has got me.
Between now and then I've been pretty much in bed the whole time. I had to check the calender thingy on my computer today to find out what day it was I've lost track. My sleep patterns have gone even more erratic than ever (like 18 hours a day asleep), and I think I've had 2 meals in 4 days. I am beginning to feel slightly better though. I still hurt, I'm still shattered, I can get downstairs now, but if I have to go straight back up I run out of energy halfway.
I have watched lots of films during this illness though, including Meet me in St Louis, The Breakfast Club, which is my favourite film ever, What Women Want, Speed, Broken Silence, A Cut Above, Billy Madison, Elizabeth, Bedazzled, Sabrina Goes to Rome, The Sound of Music and Grease. Not bad for someone who doesn't really like watching films. I think I must have been really ill to watch some of them though. Yay fo getting ill during the holiday season when telly is slightly better than normal.
I've also done a lot of cross stitch, although not on the Indian which has been cast aside in resentment again, in favour of "Collecting Shells".

I wanted to go to Sheffield next week. I want to celebrate Christmas with my parents some time this side of Easter. But that is out now.

Flu, Go away. Please!

Thursday, 1 January 2004

Now it is.

Happy 2004 from Celeste, Porl, Duke & Gonzo, (who are currently hiding because fireworks scare them.)

Unfortunatly the spider in the bath was killed by an over enthusiastic cat on Christmas Eve, or it would be best wishes from him too.

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