Sunday, 14 December 2003

We had another great night out on Friday at Amy.
When I first went a few months ago it was a big night out in a club in a strange city where we saw some great bands and met a few people.
Every time we go back though it feels more and more like a great night out catching up with friends, and meeting new friends. It just happens to be in a club where we see some great bands too.
It's also handy too that as soon as the drink sets in, so does the misguided assumption that everyone else must know each other, so I start introducing myself to people.
If I went to a night like that in Ormskirk I'd know everyone, so surely the people who live in Manchester all know each other.
Don't they?
Anyway, it's fun, and I'm making lot of friends.
We stayed at Joeladyboy and Eskimo Girls place Friday night, and woke up on Saturday morning feeling like I'd had the best nights sleep in weeks. No hangover, then a brisk, cold walk to the supermarket got us some lovely butty food and I felt great.
I haven't had chance to even download the pictures off my camera get, but when I do I'll put them online, maybe I'll do the pictures from the last Amy I went to as well.

In other news I've been playing with stylesheets and things again. It's hardly noticable to anyone except me though.
I've also changed my comments over to Haloscan in the hope that they might actually work, unlike enetation which seems to have died a death.
So go on people, comment, try them out, prove to me that all hits I get every week are from people rather than bots, because I'm beginning to have my doubts.

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