Wednesday 3 December 2003

I'm so unbelievably bored.
I need a new hobby. Yes I know I've got loads, but I'm fed up with them all.
I think I know why I'm fed up with them all though.
It's because I've set myself the task this Christmas of making loads of presents for people. But as the time is drawing nearer I'm beginning to realise that I might not actually manage to finish any of them.

Do you think there's any chance Christmas can be moved.... to about June.

I am making progress though on most of them, but too many people have net access so all I'll say is, the Indian cross-stitch I'm trying to finish for my dad is coming along well, and the *** for ****** is about a third done, it should be great becuase I'm going to make it look like a ******** ****. I've got some ideas about the *** for *****, and the same with the **** for ****, and I've nearly finished the ********* for ***, **, *****, and ******.

I'm ever so descriptive aren't I.

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