Wednesday, 1 October 2003

I finished knitting my scarf! Most people may think "pah! it's only a scarf" But I knitted it! Me! I may be a dab hand at all the other crafts, I can still crochet when I'm too drunk to walk, but I've never been any good at knitting. I made a jumper when I was about 8, but I think my mum must have helped a lot. So this scarf is a huge acheivment. It's made with 1 strand of red double knit (found on a charity shop trawl) and 1 strand of red eyelash yarn (Stylecraft Eskimo Double Knit). It took about 75g of each yarn, and I used 6mm needles. It's so lovely and soft and fluffy. As I've got loads of the plain double knit left, and about 3/4 of a ball of the eyelash yarn I'm going to make a hat next, but I'll crochet it this time and just use the eyelash yarn as trimmings.

Whilst I had the camera out I took some pictures of the other things I've done. The pink bag is what I made for my brothers wedding. It's made with 1 stand of pink mohair and 1 strand of cream arran. Again both found in charity shops. It's just a plain rectangle folded in half. The edges were single crocheted together using the cream arran. For the strap I did a long chain and then went all along in single crochets for about 3 or 4 rows. The mohair makes the bag lovely and soft, but the arran makes it firm. I lined the bag with some cream cotton.

The orange bag is my "In the City" bag. I started it at rehearsals for Marks in the City performance, continued it during the day of the gig whilst I was sat around when everything was being set up, and I finished it the morning after when fighting off a hangover. It's just an easy string shopping bag made using some of the many many hanks of rug wool that I've got.

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