I took a client shopping Saturday, and bought many goodies. She's such a great shopping companion:
Me: Shall I buy the new Harry Potter book?
S: Yesh.
Me: Should I buy some wool?
S: Yesh.
Me: Do you like these colours?
S: Yesh.
Me: Shall we fly to the moon next?
S: Yesh.
She does say other things, lots and lots and lots of them, but Saturday she was on a "yesh" day. She has "no" days too which aren't quite as much fun.
The yellow and purple wool, (yes it is purple, I'm just not too good at fixing colours in photoshop) were bought for a specific purpose, not just my usual "that's nice I'll buy it". I'm making a Bishnabag (a bag for someone whose nickname is Bishnabob). The red fuzzyness is eyelash yarn. I fell in love with it and bought 2 balls, and I think most bags I make for a while will have a little red fluffiness on them. It cost £1.99 for 50g, but I'm figuring that as most of my wool is bought at charity shops I can afford to go wild every so often.
I've already started on the Bishnabag, and undone it and restarted and undone and restarted, I've managed to do about 10cm. I should try drawing designs sometimes, it would be so much quicker than undoing everything all the time. No in progress pictures though, he picked the colours, but the rest is a surprise.
Now would fuzzy red yarn make this just a little too camp or not?.... Not decided yet.