Friday, 17 April 2009


Yep, I'm still here, trying to get my act together to start posting again. I've been slowly building up the urge for a redesign, maybe even finding my own web hosting rather than blogger, then I may actually start posting again.

Quick update on life here. I have a new job as a Speech Therapy Technical Instructor. Only part time unfortunately so I'm still doing 1 shift a week on my old job. I love the new job though, really good fun, it's a great team and I feel like I'm really helping people. There's also a lot of cutting and sticking, playing on the computer and making pretty things involved so it's right up my street.

B is a star, she's nearly 21 months now, she really knows her own mind and she's got a very stubborn streak so we have quite a lot of tantrums. She's not very good at talking, in fact you could say she's rubbish, she has a few words which we understand, but we have to translate a lot. For example, "ot" (hot) could mean hot, or oven, or cup, or drink, or food depending on the situation. She certainly keeps us guessing. We're hoping when she gets better at speaking the tantrum will subside a little. I was rubbish at speaking till I was quite old so we aren't too worried. Her favourite word at the moment is "ditzth" which she uses to refer to anything she doesn't have a word for (so that's almost everything then). We constantly hear "Oooh ditzth" her tone of voice is brilliant, she sounds constantly amazed by everything.

On the crafting front I'm certainly getting my mojo back. Helped greatly by the fact that someone goes to bed without any arguments at night now. I got really into my cross-stitch again for a while (the Indian I've been doing for years has had a lot of attention, still not done though). I've also been busy knitting a cardigan, my first knitted item of clothing since I was about 7. I'm crocheting a gorgeous ripple afghan, which is about 3/4 done and I've just started some cushions to match it as the afghan has got a bit too big to cart around now.

I haven't got photos of any of these crafty endeavours, so I'll have to leave you with a picture of the gorgeous girl instead.


Hopefully I'll be back again soon.


Twiggy said...

I found you via Vicky @ Anglesey Allsorts, your little girl is a real cutie. My friends little boy is the same age as your little lady and his vocab is no, biscuit and chocolate - hmmmm. My DS started talking pretty early and never stopped :) then again with parents like he's got , it's unsurprising!!
Twiggy x

Gretel said...

Celeste! I thought it was the same Celeste, how lovely. Thank you so very much for the, I've joined, and now I've got you to thank for the days of my life I will spend cataloguing my collection! I bet I've got things that they can't find though. So glad to hear you and your little one are doing well. :)