Saturday 10 November 2007

Porl's had a bread making session again today. He made white breadcakes, some with sesame seeds some without, and a plaited loaf... he did the loaf, I did the plaiting.

rolls plait

I've told him he has to learn how to do plaits himself now he has a little girl. Especially as in a few years time he'll be having to get her ready for school while I'm still at work and she'll want plaits.
He said he'll shave her hair off instead :-/

Last week I ordered some printers type trays from ebay. I've wanted one for a while to use as a display cabinet but I'd never thought to look on ebay for one.

In the end I bought 2, and they arrived today. I opened them straight away before thinking to grab my camera. Then I parcelled them up again almost as quickly and put them out in the greenhouse. There are distinct signs of woodwork. Holes and wood coloured dust. I've emailed the seller asking if they've been treated but I suspect it's live woodworm. I'm hoping tomorrow is fine so I can give them a clean down (they're scruffy but I knew that before I bought them) then work out whether they're worth treating.

If anyone knows anything about treating woodworm I'd be grateful for some advice.

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