Thursday 15 November 2007

If you're reading this, Well Done! Somehow I managed to let the manickitty address expire... I thought I'd updated the payment details but it obviously didn't work.

I found out last night so was going to sort it out today but The Lurg has hit the household again and Porl and I feel rotten. So far Bryher seems okay.

Porl started feeling ill yesterday and felt worse today. I didn't start feeling rough until later this afternoon. Porl normally does all the cooking, but as he was ill I decided to make some comfort food to cheer him up.
Shepherds Pie... or Cottage Pie... I'm never sure what the difference is.
Either way it tastes lovely.
One of the few good things about having a meat eater and a vegetarian in the house is that we end up with HUGE amounts when we make meals like this. It means for the next 2-3 days we don't have to think about what to eat.

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