Friday, 27 April 2007

Wow another post in April!
I'm hoping the nesting instinct has started to kick in. Today I cleared my desk, and for the first time in months I can actually see the top of it. Other cleaning has also happened in the past week or so too, we've Freecycled the surplus furniture from our spare room, and we're ready to start decorating and building wardrobes next week.

It's turned out to be rubbish timing though as within days of getting rid of the spare double bed I started with what I thought was hayfever (it probably was a bit) but turned out to be a stinking cold. At night I've been sniffling, snoring, & coughing. I can't get comfy because of either my bump, achy ribs, achy hips, or heartburn, and poor Porl hasn't been able to escape to a spare bed. For the record, he snores too, and hopefully mine will stop when the cold goes... or maybe not :/

The nesting instinct might also have triggered my craftyness again too. All I've done craft wise for months is cross-stitch, but Net posted about some badges she'd made and they inspired me to get my badge machine out. I've only made 3, but it's a start, and it's not cross-stitch.
Now I just need someone to inspire me to take photos of things. Maybe next post.

We've also had cat antics this week.
Saturday night Gonzo hobbled in on 3 legs. He'd done something to his left back paw, we checked it thoroughly but couldn't see any wounds and it looked and felt normal, he was also putting it on the floor but was obviously painful. We didn't have much option but to wait and see how he was on Monday before deciding whether he needed to see the vet.
By Sunday morning his paw and lower leg were swollen to about twice their normal size, he wasn't putting it down, and he was very very quiet (but still eating of course.) By Monday he was much more like himself, he still wasn't putting his paw down, but the swelling was going down so we decided we'd get away without the expense of the vets, or trauma of a car journey.
The last time the cats went in the car was when we moved house, it was a traumatic, loud and smelly couple of hours for both them and us.
Wednesday morning the swelling was almost gone and Gonzo was walking pretty much normally. He was also able to escape from the garden on his supervised toilet trips. He got away from me briefly in the morning, then had a longer adventure in the afternoon when he escaped from Porl but a neighbour managed to lure him back to our house.
Then Wednesday night Porl phoned me at work to say we had to get Gonzo to the vets as he had a wound on the top of his paw about the size of a penny piece.
The soonest anyone could see us was Thursday afternoon. Thankfully although he was loud in the car there were no unpleasant accidents. The vet was lovely, and Gonzo was very good. (Terrified into submission by all the dogs he could smell and hear, even though we went to a different waiting room.)
We think Gonzo had probably had a small wound which got infected causing the swelling, but the swelling got so bad that it ruptured the skin causing wounds on both the top and bottom of his paw *eurgh* So the swelling went down very quickly, but left nasty wounds. He's got a couple of types of tablets and orders to stay inside for a few days.
Hopefully we've sussed out how to get the tablets down him without argument (the technique vets show you about prising the jaws open and rubbing the throat till they swallow doesn't work with Gonzo, he's big, strong, and has claws.) I bought some potted meat, I cover the tablet with it, and Gonzo eats them... so far anyway.
Now we just have to suss out how to keep Gonzo from miaowing constantly because he wants to go outside.
His foot better heal soon!

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