Tuesday, 16 May 2006

That epic post down there looks so daunting, so I'm shoving it down the page with a nice short (I hope) post.

Today has been an odd lazy day, I got up early, had a fantastic appointment at the doctors (more on that in a sec) then when I came home I fell asleep, I've spent the rest of the day feeling vaguely confused and hungover. Very Odd.

The doctors was great though. It's taken us 18 months to get around to registering with a doctors here. We went for our new patient health check a couple of weeks ago with the nurse, and the subject of my excema came up. The nurse told me to go and see a particular doctor in the practice because skin was her speciality.

Anyone who's met me will probably know about my excema, I get it on my hands and on my scalp and it drives me nuts! The stuff on my scalp is also embarrassing because it looks like really bad dandruff, but no dandruff shampoo will shift it.
My job means I have to wash my hands a lot, and if I'm honest I'm a little obsessive about washing them anyway. After a normal day at work my hands are very dry, they crack and bleed and I keep scratching at them anyway. Actually I rarely scratch, I rub them on the edge of my jeans pockets or the creases which is just as bad as scratching.
My hands tend to heal up when I'm at home because I'm lazier :) I don't clean as frantically as at work, and we have a dishwasher. But as soon as I go back to work and they're sore again.

So I saw the nice doctor, she was lovely and very helpful. She asked all about my allergies and family history. She gave me a proper explanation about what excema was with diagrams and everything! No-one has ever done that before, so I now have a better idea of what to avoid, why to avoid them, and how best to treat it.

I came away with a bag full of goodies, which cost a fortune, but if they work I don't care, but even better than that I came away with the feeling that for the first time I'd found a doctor who actually cared and hadn't just fobbed me off with another steriod cream. In fact she's given me an Emulsifying Emolient which I can use to wash my hands with instead of soap and it'll work as a barrier cream. It seems to be working, my hands are much soften than normal and haven't itched... too much... all day. What's even better though is I don't need a prescription for it and it'll work out far cheaper than all the pots of hand cream I get through in a month.

While I was in the chemists and asking about the Emolient I was approached by another customer. She's just set up an online shop called Summer Naturals selling natural holistic products for both household cleaning and personal hygiene. A lot of the things she sells are things I've been looking into using anyway, I hate using so many chemicals for cleaning, but it's not very easy to find things like soda crystals, borax and citric acid. This shop sells them all though, and lots else besides. I like her ethics too, she uses all recycled packing most of which she gets from the shop across the road, but she also put a post on Freecycle today asking extra packaging.
I think I'll be buying some soap nuts for my washing, and maybe some ingredients for making my own soaps too.

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