Thursday, 25 May 2006

Hello, I'm back.
Disneyland was FANTASTIC! But I pity all those parents who took all those children. Their bank balances must be feeling very poorly now. The place is sooo expensive. £35 for a main meal and a soft drink for 3 people, and that was the cheapest restaurant we went to. If you then add in all the merchandise which is thrust at you from all sides you'd need to re-mortgage if you took a child, or have your child screaming constantly because you're not buying them things that they Need.
There were so many things there that I needed to buy, but I was very good and restricted myself to a couple of books about how to draw cartoons, and a limited edition Dopey Model Sheet Picture which I fell in love with on the first day. I waited till the fourth day incase I saw something else, but nothing matched it so it's now adorning the living room wall.

Unfortunatly since I got back I've been feeling rotten, a mixture of hayfever, and a few particularly unpleasant ailments which I think have been brought on my the stress of the whole holiday. Not that it was particularly stressful, but being on duty for 4 days straight, takes it out of you. We also had a few hassles on the first day, like arriving at 11am, but not being able to get into our room till 3pm. I nearly cried when we found out, I'd been up since 2:30am and had only had 3 hours sleep anyway. When we did manage to get into our room we had other hassles to sort out too. Thankfully from the next morning everything went smoothly, but my body is currently hating me for the trauma and sleep deprivation it went through, so a trip to the doctors is on the cards for this afternoon.

In other news, Porl missed me, the cats missed me, and in 4 weeks time I do it all again, but this time for a week in Cornwall with a different staff memeber and a not quite so easy client.

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