Wednesday, 22 February 2006

In other mundane news it looks like the council have given up about 3 foot of added length to our garden.
Over the past year they have been putting fences up around the front and back gardens of the council owned properties on the estate. The house behind ours is being worked on at the moment so my neighbour and I are rejoicing. The garden was stupidly overgrown and had a variety of household appliances dumped in it. My neighbour has been complaining to the estate committee for years because she was getting worried about rats.
Anyway it's being sorted now, for an idea of how overgrown it was, I'll tell you that it took 3 days to chop back the bushes and trees, and 2 to put up the fence. Their garden is HUGE, it's a corner plot which starts in line with my neighbours boundary, and goes all the way across the back of 4 gardens. How come people who don't want to garden end up with so much land?

This is what it was like, this was taken last year when we were just starting the deck, but it's the best one I can find of the mess at the back of the garden.

overgrown garden

This is it now;

new fence

It still looks overgrown, but that's just the stuff they cut down waiting to be moved/burnt.
The fence posts have been put in about 3 foot beyond our fence, so we have gained a nicely pruned tree, and 2 clumps of privet which are the only thing holding our fence up. We were going to be putting up a trellis in place of our fence to keep all the rubbish from their garden out of ours, but we won't need to now, we'll just take advantage of our gift and plant it up with some nice tall shrubs (I bought a Mock Orange and Forsythia today from Poundland of all places), the privet will be going asap, I hate the stuff. We can hide the compost bin behind the hut, and all the random bulbs I keep digging up from the other parts of the garden (I should mark where I put things) can be put under the tree. So long as we don't build anything there no one can complain about us stealing their garden, we're just keeping it tidy. The council own the land, and the council chose where to put the fence, we just got lucky!

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