Saturday 24 December 2005

Merry Christmas to One and All!

Not that I feel Christmassy in the slightest.
Spent the day at work, mostly in the kitchen. The Turkey hadn't been taken out of the freezer so I've had it in bowls of cold water all day, the label says by doing that it will take 20 hours to defrost. I've also prepared most of the veg for tomorrow, so in the morning I only need to prepare the potatoes, stuffing, and Yorkshires, and stick everything on to cook. Which means I can concentrate on opening the guys presents up and entertaining them. We're not eating till 3pm, so it will be a lazy morning. I've also decided the other staff member can go and take one of the clients on a long walk. It means he will get tired and won't be restless from being in all day, and I'll get respite from the staff member. I can cope with being in with clients all day, but you have to have conversations with staff (as opposed to talking rubbish to the clients) and it's tiring.

I did the same today, 2 staff took 2 clients out while I made a couple of lasagne's (one meat, one veggie) both of which seemed to go down very well thankfully. While they were out the other client had a nap (the joys of being 80+) and I stuck the radio on and had a dance to cheezy party tunes. When they got back we had a session of blowing up balloons, then I used the static from my hair to make them stick to the ceiling. I managed to get 23 up there, and 21 of them were still the when I came home. I was quite proud of my accomplishment, but no one else seemed to share my enthusiasm.

Now I'm off to check everything is ready for tomorrow. Presents need putting in bags for Porl to take to his parents, the litter tray needs getting out again, and I need to find my camera and pack my sleep-in bag. Roll on Boxing Day, I'll be home by 8:30 I hope, then I'll probably go straight to bed for a couple of hours before surfacing to open my prezzies.

Hope everyone has a Fantastic few days.
Merry Christmas!

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