Sunday 20 March 2005

Today has been wonderfully lazy. I woke quite early, the newly fixed bed is very comfy, then I made the most of not having to get up, by laying in bed reading, and trying to spot any painting that needed touching up. Thankfully couldn't see any.

When I eventually surfaced we had a trip to Tesco's for bits and bobs. I've picked up a hair dye. I hate dying my hair, but I'm noticing more and more white hairs so something needs to be done. I'm trying to take consolation from the fact they look white rather than grey. I'd prefer my hair to stay dark brown, but that's not going to happen.

While Sunday lunch was cooking did some updating to the Shirokuma site. Just some new photos added, and the news about the download EP that Mark has done for Twisted Nerve Records. I've had some ideas about a new design and layout for the site, I know Mark wants me to do the work, but it's a bit too complicated to do for a freebie, so I'll have to wait until Mark talks to F&H.

After that I decided to start work on my Month of Softies dolly. Earlier I'd asked Mum and Dad how they pictured me as a child. Mum said "red wellies, red cagoule, yellow hard hat. Oh and a toy gun". Dad said "Red wellies".
Of course before making mini-me I went off on a tangent and re-organised the bookshelves, but I've got the main body and red wellies cut out, and I've picked the material for everything else, we've also got space to fill with more books.
I did get the sewing machine out, but then the internet distracted me, so hopefully I'll feel in the mood for sewing after work tomorrow.

Ergh work. My 4 day break has gone by far too quickly. But I'm not too disheartened. Only 4 days to get through before the next 4 day break. Hurrah for Chocolate Bunnies, Chocolate Eggs, Chocolate Jesus's and Chocolate Bank Holidays.

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