Wednesday, 9 February 2005

When I worked shifts I never seemed to have too many problems getting up in the morning (or afternoon). Okay I always struggled with sleep-ins, but anyone would struggle to get up at 6 in the morning after having 2-3 hours of restless sleep in a strange bed. But generally most days I was quite happy to get up.
Recently though I've been struggling.
Today I crawled out of bed at 7:35. I have to leave the house at 7:45. Needless to say I don't do breakfast.

All day today I kept thinking it was Thursday. Then I'd remember it was Tuesday and the weekend and a lie in seemed so very far away that I could have cried.

Eventually the end of the day seemed in sight.
4:15 usually heralds the last trip to the drinks machine for the day, but today it was broken, so I sat there, sealing envelopes, feeling thirsty, fed up, and longing for home.

Then the boss came out and told us that as work is being done on the server tomorrow, our phones and computers will be out of action for at least the morning.

So we could all have a lie in, and not bother getting to work until 2pm!
He then told us 3 more times because no one believed him

I'm really hoping that the work gets hugely delayed and we get the whole day off.
I mean it's hardly worth going in for 3 hours is it?

Hope everyone else has a great day too!

Wednesday, 2 February 2005

Sorry about the lack of updates, but a lot has been happening, writing about it all seems a little daunting, so I've been putting it off, but I'd best get on with it.

A few weeks ago I spotted something in the paper about a meeting being held by some people who wanted to set up a local Craft Group. It seemed like a good way to meet some people and learn some new skills (like knitting and spinning) so I decided to go. I was a bit worried it might be a bit too "Mother's Union" but I figured if I didn't go then I'd never find out.

So one windy night off I toddled, there were only a couple of people there because the paper had got the date wrong, the main meeting was the following week, but we had a chat about what I did, what the group wanted to acheive, how it would go about things and it all sounds really good, they're going to have teachers come in about once a month and the rest of the weeks they'll use what they call their "gifted amateurs". I'd taken some of my jewellery with me so they had a look and were very impressed, giving me a huge confidence boost. I came away cheery and excited about the new project.

A couple of days later I got a phone call off the club secretary. She'd heard about the jewellery I make, so wuld I be interested in being one of their "gifted amateurs" and doing some teaching. Of course I said yes, so since then I've been racking my brains trying to work out what I can teach, and how to go about it.

Last week I was browsing random craft message boards and I came across someone asking for jewellery makers who would be interested in having a stall at a craft fair in Preston. The fair was in January, too late for me to be involved in, btu I wanted the organiser to know I'd be interested in any future events. I had an email back straight away saying that a jewellery stall had just dropped out, so was I certain I couldn't take part. I let her know I definately didn't have enough stock, but she then wrote back and said she'd looked at my website, and if I'd like to bring up any of my things to show on her own stall she'd give me some space. Typically I then had a week off work sick with migraines so I couldn't do anything. But it's another contact for another time.

So all this, plus some other comments I've had recently have also given me the kick start I needed to get a website sorted for selling my things. I'm picturing a day in the future where I can stay at home with a gaggle of kids, making jewellery and selling it at craft fairs and online. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I'm working on the website at the moment, ideas for names would be greatly appreciated, I'm tempted with just calling it Celeste, but I'm not sure. Also expect some changes around here too as I overhaul everything and pilfer content.


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