Saturday, 8 January 2005

This week has been poo. Nevermind Shit Wednesday, it's been Shit Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is improving.

Back at work Tuesday. Drinks machine wasn't working, so borrowed some money for some cans. Dinnertime went to get money out of the bank, none there. Panic! This month was supposed to be great for money, I doubled my income for various reasons, so how could I be skint 10 days after payday, and more worryingly, before the bills and mortgage had been taken from my account.

So I phoned the bank, and worked out I hadn't been paid. Straight in to see the boss.

So Tuesday and Wednesday were spent worrying while work tried to figure out what had happened and sort out paying me again. While I fended off the bank and tried to get them to be lenient (which they weren't). Thursday morning it turned out it was their banks error. So they are going to be presented with a nice list of all the charges I've had for being overdrawn, bouncing cheques, direct debits etc.

Wednesday I also forgot my work passes, so had to spend the last money I had on parking the car, and get a door pass off security, and put up with the usual 20 questions that go with them "You do know it's £30 to replace them" etc etc. Then on the way home I tried to find a shortcut, got hugely lost, ended up heading towards Oldham before I found my way home.

Thursday, again forgot door pass. 40 questions today though. However I found my parking pass, in the pocket of the passenger door where it must have hidden itself as I randomly threw it in my haste to get out of the car park on Tuesday. Mid afternoon my wages finally went in, and I got to unpack a HUGE stationary order, (the silliest things make me happy). I got home and within about 10 minutes was sparko on the sofa, all the worry about money had meant I'd not slept properly for 3 nights.

Friday and things have begun to improve. Except for the ongoing problem with our supplier at work, I got angry (a very rare occurance for me) one of the bosses got quite concerned and said I seemed angrier then than when I found out I'd not been paid. But we all got taken to the Lime Bar at lunch time. The boss paid. After one round he asked us if we wanted to go back to work. He was met with silence, so he went and got another round in. A lazy afternoon followed, the normally laid back quiet admin team (me and Nigel) got quite animated and chatty. Home time came, and an epic rush hour journey home followed... stupid friday traffic. Tonight I took Porl into Ashton, and came home to veg, clean and sleep. I spent most of hte night just blitzing the kitchen, the room will have to wait. About 9 o clock I was by the front door trying to find shoes so I could put the bin out when I heard "Hello, it's about your car, Hello, there's someone in your car... I'm not a burglar". I didn't know if it was for me or next door, so I opened the door and there's a lad there. I think it was the one I gave some coal too at Christmas for his snowman. Apparently there'd been someone in my car, (which stupidly I'd left open) but they'd run off down the road. It seems Stalybridge robbers aren't up to much (thankfully). Nothing had been taken. My stereo isn't removable, they missed the CD player, adn they'd left all the CD's too. I think they might have just been sheltering from the rain.
So lucky escape. I'll check the car is locked in future.

Then more improvements when I found a nice clean fragrant £5 in the tumble dryer.

This weekend will be mainly spent sorting out the mess of money, cleaning and sleeping.

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