Sunday, 23 November 2003

A time I have been dreading has finally arrived.

It's something I was warned about when I was just 11 years old. Something that for the large part I chose to ignore, and I didn't follow the advice when it was given to me.

But the time has now arrived when I feel I can physically no longer ignore the problem. But it's going to take a change in lifestyle, and it will cost money.

And I'm dreading it.

What is this problem?

I need glasses.

I was first given glasses when I was 11. I wore them for a while, then the novelty wore off. I used to have regular eye tests, and the lenses were changed as my eyes got worse. But they've never got so bad that I can't actually see. I just get headaches if I do close work sometimes. Not all the time though.

I haven't had a test now for about 5 years. The glasses I do have are the same frames I got when I was 15ish, and they look absolutely terrible on me. I'm doing much more close work than I used to, but I'm realising that I can't really see it properly, and I'm getting headaches after about an hours work. Working on the computer is also incredibly hard. So I might need glasses for that distance.

Quote of the Day "Tell him I've turned into the Mad Hell Woman frm the planet Zarg.... and I want chocolate."

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