*big pictures if clicked on
So this is where I've been for the past week, cross-legged on my lovely leather chesterfield settee (unbelievably generous donation for an ex-lodger.) The fire's lit, the cats are around me, and my bead box is at my side.
I've been content. I've been productive. (I've also been ill, but ignore that.)

I've made some beaded chokers using my bead loom, they fasten with ribbon, which they're securely, and painstakingly sewn onto. I'm really enjoying making them (except for the sewing onto ribbon bit, that's annoying.)
I'm selling these for £15. A bargain for a piece of hand-crafted unique jewellery. If the one you like is sold I can make you something similar, but I will never repeat a design.
E-mail me if you're interested. I have paypal, or cheques etc.'
Excuse the red thread in the lilac one, it's not totally finished yet. It is lilac, honest. Heart are lilac with diamantes in them, and the seed beads are mostly lilac, with the odd blue one thrown in for good measure.

Badges badges everywhere. All 1" badges thanks to my lovely machine (wish I could find a UK supplier of the parts for it though.) Christmas toy catalogues are great for badge making. The paw badges are Shirokuma ones. I see this image when I sleep at the moment thanks to all the time I've spent working on his website, and perfecting the badge design.
Badges are also up for sale 70p. The range is limited to the ones above at the moment. Or you can send me an image that you want, and I'll see what I can do.
Again, e-mail me.

Lastly, things that are certainly not for sale.
A crocheted snowflake. From these pages here It's about 4" across. I'm going to make loads, coat then in a watered down pva glue that has glitter in it, leave them to dry, and then either give a batch of them as Christmas Presents, they could make tree decorations, or be coasters. Alternatively I could put them on the front of the more special Christmas Cards, then they can keep the snowflake to decorate the tree the following year. (I've only just thought of that. See how the creative juices are flowing.)
Cross-stitch Indian. I've picked it up and set myself a mission to finish it by Christmas. I've done most of the top left this week.
The task may be acheivable.
Finally, the practise piece of lino block. I drew the image on the lino years ago, but never had the cutters to do it. Now I have, and I'm quite pleased with the result. Now to find some Christmas images.
Sorry the last two posts are pretty much duplicates, but my brain is tired and I repeat myself when I'm tired.
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