First and biggest, is:
I'm getting married!
Porl asked me on my birthday last year, but we didn't tell anyone as we wanted to have some idea about what we wanted to do before we involved other people.
Months later and we still haven't a clue so thought if we tell people we might be inspired.
It worked. We've decided we want to get married this summer. We're going to see the registrar tomorrow.
It won't be a big affair, after 14 years it'd be a bit silly. Also we have a very close, but very small circle of friends and we're only asking direct family members. We're going to the local registry office, onto a nice pub for a meal. Then maybe a night out in Manchester.
Bryher and my nieces will be Bridesmaids. I tried to explain to her today about weddings. I said there would be a party, and me, her and my nieces would dress up like princesses (she into dressing up and princesses at the moment.) I asked her what colour dress she'd like. She said "Pink". Then said my youngest niece should wear orange, my eldest niece blue, and I should wear red. I suggested silver shoes, but she said we should all have red shoes.
Needless to say I'll not be taking the advice of a 3 year old who doesn't know all her colours yet.
In other news in the months since I last updated....
Last October I was chatting to my boss, she's very slim (in my eyes, but I realise now that doesn't matter.) She signed up to Slimming World to shed a few lbs. Apparently when she was younger she was a lot bigger but lost it and kept it off through Slimming World, but a long stint of travelling meant she'd put a few lbs back on so she wanted to lose them again.
I've always though diets like Slimming World, Weight Watchers, weren't designed for me because I'm vegetarian, I'd tried SW years ago but they didn't include Quorn back then and I was stuck for ideas so gave up after a few weeks but what my boss was eating looked great. We talked about how the diet works, and the next day I signed up to my local group.
I'm now 3 stone lighter, and 4 dress sizes smaller. I hit target a few weeks ago. Now the hard work starts, keeping it off!
This is the picture I've been carrying in my purse for months. On it I've written "I'm doing this to be healthy and happy for her".
This photo was taken last June, and I didn't have the energy or inclination to run around the beach with her.
This is me now, desperately in need of a haircut.

So that's the main news. There are other things to tell, but they'll wait till another day.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with news of a date!