So anyway, we had a lovely week staying here, I highly recommend it if there are just a couple of you, or if you have children who stay asleep once it gets light. We had to put towels up against windows to get Bryher to sleep past 5am. But we'd still go back, it was fantastic. I saw a young hare (very rare nowadays), and a stoat both just feet away from the cabin window.
Bryher had her first paddle in the sea. It was a bit chilly some days so we'll reserve judgement on how much she liked it. I built some sandcastles, Bryher ran round them (they're now called "round & rounds" apparently), and Porl and I did some excellent diverting of streams as the photo above just shows. Bryher showed absolutely no interest at this masterpiece of engineering.
One day she'll appreciate our skill.
The weather was glorious, (until the last day) so good in fact that we were trying to find things to do to keep us out of the sun. As usual when we go anywhere we visited lots of farm shops for Porl and lots of craft places for me. Luckily these things tend to be together, so the flour mill was also home to the craft guild shop.
My big purchase though was from a charity shop in Cemaes. We went in to look at books but there was a spinning wheel in the middle of the shop and several peg looms and drop spindles, all new. Apparently a lady went in a couple of times a week to give lessons. I've wanted to try weaving for ages, but I'd never seen a peg loom. It was a good price and they had samples made on it so I decided to buy myself an early birthday present.
Here's my first play at making "something" I'm not sure what it is, possibly a place mat, I didn't want to be too ambitious to start with. Now I'm hoping to get some raw fleece from somewhere so I can make a fake sheepskin rug. I'm tempted to go walking over the moors collecting bits off barbed wire.
My other new creative venture has been needle felting. Again something I've wanted to try for ages but I've resisted the lures of ebay. I could resist no longer though when I went to the gala in the village where I grew up and found a needle felting kit for £2.50. A night of vicious stabbing and I had created this.
Ebay was inevitable then. My kit only had 1 needle, so I bought some more of various sizes and a nice big bag of bright coloured fibre and a few days later was able to create this.
I'm addicted. I even took them into work so I could keep stabbing during my half hour lunch break.
3D is my next challenge. I think a fairy toadstool is in order.