Friday, 9 February 2007

Still pottering along, life is still good, but I'm still finding it hard to get the motivation to update (sorry Ormskirk lurkers, I'd make sure you knew if there was any interesting news.)
I've been trying to redesign the site a bit, especially as I realised that my "about" page is terribly out of date (I haven't worked for that phone company for over a year now, and I'm 29) but even getting motivated to do this seems hard, and I've not published anything yet. I'm hoping a redesign will make me happier with the site and I'll want to write often.

I have been doing some things though. The other weekend I went along to a members day at the spinning guild and had a great day getting to grips with my wheel. With some advice from Ali I managed to spin a fair amount without the yarn breaking all the time. I think one of my problems was confidence, but also since I've got home I've realised the sofa is too low and I can't keep the wheel spinning, so a change of chair and everything seems to be working. When I've spun some more and tried out plying I'll take some pictures.
The next day I went off to the G-Mex to the knitting and stitching show. I managed to restrain myself and only bought a set of coloured Susan Bates crochet hooks. I can't resist pretty colours. I saw quite a lot of yarn I wanted to buy, but they only seems to have 1 hank of each left, so next time I know to go on the Friday instead of the Sunday.

The Blip is doing well, I've definitely got a bump now and I've been feeling it moving for about 2 weeks, very early for a first time Mum apparently, but that sensation is definitely not indigestion.
We had an appointment with the Midwife a couple of weeks ago and got to hear Blips heartbeat. Porl keeps walking round the house making the "woog woog woog" sound.
I however have read that it can probably hear us now so I've taken to singing more... Porl is not impressed :)

The les fun bits are that my energy levels are beyond erratic. Some days I feel great, others days I'm fit to drop 2 hours after getting up. I find the gibberish I talk when I'm tired very amusing though, Porl just tells me to go to bed. I just wish he'd ban me from cooking when I'm tired, I never want to tackle anything more challenging than toast, but I must have burnt about half a loaf of bread so far.

I've also started having problems with my back too. I knew it was bound to happen, I've a dodgy back anyway, but I thought I'd be okay for a few more months. I've had some very restless nights and by tea time yesterday every movement hurt. I've booked a doctors appointment and I'm going to beg for physio. Last time I had physio it took 14 weeks for an appointment (well it would have if work hadn't helped me queue jump,) so if I ask now I might get some before the end of my pregnancy. I'm doing the exercises I was given last time, but my body has changed so much these past few weeks that I'm worried I might be doing more harm than good. Also some of the exercises will become physically impossible as I get bigger.

We've also been making plans for the nursery (sorry, having a nursery seems so grown up.) We're going to swap the bedrooms around so that we are in the biggest room. This means the baby won't have to live with things like amps and boxes of material, it also means I'll have space in our room for a dedicated craft corner. There's a lot of sorting and decorating to be done first but I'm so excited! If I wasn't banned from lifting things I'd have been getting stuck into it already.

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